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Temple Grandin Movie-Thanks for recommending

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We watched it after seeing it recommended here. I've long suspected many members of my dh's family (dd included) of having autistic tendancies. We have one person actually diagnosed in the extended family. My dd probably could have been on the Aspergers side of the spectrum, if I had her tested.


My dh looked at me early in the movie and said: That's how I think! He really identified with her. Two of my girls did too. It was a great one for us to watch. :)

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DH and I watched that movie about three months ago. I was blown away by it. We don't have any children on the spectrum, but I was floored by what a family goes through, both parent and child, when loving and raising a child with autism.


I still think about that movie, almost daily. I'm not a big movie buff, but I found it to be extremely touching and well done.

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