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Emerita Pro-Gest Cream! :0)

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I started taking 1/8 of a teaspoon twice a day starting on day 12 till day 26. My periods come every 26 days. I was dealing with pre-period spotting for about two years now. About 3-5 days prior to getting it plus back cramps. I usually will start spotting around day 21-23. Well I am on day 24 and NO spotting. My bOOks dont hurt. Only thing it hasn't done away with my cramps.


I am waiting to see what happens now. See if I start spotting now, just a little later, or not at all. And praying it cuts down on the anount of bleeding. I am due for my period on Saturday or Sunday.


I am praying this stuff works.


Does it normally take a while for your body to adjust? So even if you dont get the best results the first month, you can adjust the dose and see what happens the next month?


This is the longest I have gone between getting a period and spotting. I just hope it isnt a tease.

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It has been MY experience that I can change the dose daily and at least sometimes tell a difference. I have read, and found to be true for myself, is to go off of it for 5-7 days each month to give yourself a break, that it's more effective that way. It seems that there are so many variables, it's hard to tell what will work for one person.


BUT I am rejoicing with you! I know you've long struggled with this, and what a relief to at, the very least, have a so-far-so-good month!!:party:

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This is the longest I have ever gone without spotting. I am stopping on day 26 unless I get it before hand. If "feels" like I am going to get as I have had cramps. But no spotting. I was told if I stop on day 26, my period should then rear its ugly head shorlty after. I take it on days 12-26.


But all in all, it has been much better. I hope and pray it only gets better from here. Dying to see what happens when I get my period.(The one and only time I am looking forward to getting it)



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I think it is wonderful and so does my family.:lol: In fact, when we travel they all check to make sure I have it with me so I don't go crazy. Seriously, though it has evened out my moods and helped my PMS tremendously. I am like a different person. I take 1/4 tps two weeks on and two weeks off based on my doctor's recommendation. I saw some results at first but after about 3 to 6 months I noticed a big difference. By then it helped with the cramps and heavier bleeding.

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Yes, I wish it would now with the cramps!!! But, before I had the 5 days of cramping and the spotting, so I got rid of one anyways. Tomorrow is day 26 so I am supposed to stop the cream.


This is THE longest I have gone between periods(over 3 weeks) with NO spotting or bleeding.


Not sure about my moods though. Actually, I think I was a crazy impatient person the first week I started it. I have calmed down since. But I also came off an anti-depressent as well so between the two, probably wasn't a good mix.


My bOOks don't hurt at all. Usually, I know the spotting is coming because they will hurt about 2 days prior to spotting.


For now, I have just been taking my Naproxen. One, twice a day for the past 4 days, and that has helped.


Praying my period is shorter and lighter. But I wont get my hopes up to much since this is the first month using it.


I hope this continues though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using Emerita to sustain a suprise pregnancy. I've already had a progesterone test done a year ago and mine is low. I missed my period and started cramping terribly, purchased progesterone cream and started applying 100mg a day. The regular cramping and backache was gone after several days. I have had 6 miscarriages due to low progesterone, although I didn't know it at the time. This is the first time I've supplemented and our little baby is doing well so far.

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