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Prayers and Input Needed Going back to College

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My mom recently moved back to NC. She retired from teaching. She is an excellent teacher and is really good with my children. She taught 2nd grade math and science for many years, then she went back to school and get her Masters in Art History.

I have four children 7 1/2, 6, 3 1/2, and 8 weeks. My husband works and does IT work and is not home most nights until 7 or 8. We really need an additional income. He is a great husband and a hard worker I want to be able to continue homeschooling. I have my Associates in Art degree and I am thinking of going back to school to get my AASN (Registered Nurse). It is a two year program. My mom has offered to homeschool the kids while I go to school. I plan on working every weekend once I finish school.

I am a compassionate person and I am good with people. I think this would be an excellent career choice for me. What would you do? This is my only option to make an income for my family and to continue homeschooling. I would take over homeschooling once I finished school. I will also be helping my mom with what I can while I am in school. Thanks you so much for taking the time to read this. Please pray for us as we are making the right decsions. One other factor in my decsion is my husbands company health insurance is horrible and we need better health insurance.

Edited by susancollins
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In your position, I would not be able to leave such a young infant (due to nursing and other reasons) in order to attend school. Nursing school is really difficult and demanding, as I'm sure you well know, and studying with that many young kids at home will be very, very difficult.


That said, I am a big advocate for higher education. If you can do a part time program and ease into full time when baby is a bit older, I would see if I could make it work.


FWIW, I am an adjunct college professor so I see the flip side of this with students who struggle mightily to juggle families and graduate school.

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Are your kids involved in any after school activities? Can your mother take them? Does she drive and have her own car? Will she make dinner? What if the kids get sick?


I have my bachelors but tried to go back to take additional classes. I quit after spending $7000 on classes. My son was 3 and my daughter was 7. It was so much harder to deal with family/kids/school than I ever thought possible.


I would also check out the job situation for a nurse with a 2 year degree. I know in my neck of the woods that a bachelor of nursing is crowding out everyone else.

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I wouldn't start school to Fall 2012 so Grayson will be 14 months old and shouldn't be nursing as much. My mom can take the kids to church, dance, and soccer she has a mini-van. One of the upsides is I have already had alot of the classes like the psych classes, English 111 and 112 and the electives so my course load will be alot lighter than normal. My 1st year homeschooling my 1st grader I finished up my Associates in Art ( college transfer) and I was taking 16 credit hours. I graduated May 2010. I am praying that this is the right thing for my family. I want to be a nurse. I love helping people and this would allow me to continue homeschooling. We need better health coverage and an income.

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When I was young and energetic and my fabulous, selfless and helpful mother was alive, this might have been workable for me, though difficult. I do understand why you are considering it. Nursing is a versatile and high paying career. I know that there are required internships in nursing school. Do you know what types of hours are involved with these?


If your mom is willing to step in when you aren't able to, it could work. When my two oldest were all I had and my mom was still living, my dh was traveling for work about three nights a week. My mom was the "other parent" for my kids and a companion and help to me during that time. It was a precious time for all of us.

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What an awesome opportunity for you! Go for it!


Check out the work requirments during orientation after you get your RN degree. Our unit has a 6 month (FT only) orientation so in reality you may be working FT for the first year after you graduate. However, those will be 12 hour shifts so you will be able to share the homeschooling responsibilities with your mom during that year. There is also frequently night shift requirements...new grads in my unit work 2 weeks of days then 2 weeks of nights.


I work part time as a RN, and am going to school to advance my degree. My mom watches my younger kids 4 days a month so I don't have to work nights or every weekend. She has blessed our family!

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I will be honest and say it is difficult, but it is necessary at this point in my life. I usually only get abou 5-6 hrs of sleep per night, and have to cram at the last minute often, and my house is a mess, and .... you get the idea.


However, it is feasible if you have some help. My oldest is in college (going for a bachelors in nursing), and can help me three days a week with childcare while I work. It is hard for her to get her schoolwork done on those days, so I take her to the library at night when I get home for her to have quiet time.


My youngest is 7, so it isn't as difficult as a nursing babe would be. Prayers and hugs!:grouphug:

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I decided to go back to school this year. My children are older and have a lot of homeschool work. I decided to take as many of the distance learning courses as I can. This semester, I was able to get math, music, history, and computers online (I test on-campus in the evening after dh gets home from work). I can tell you, it is a LOT of work. I'm tired after homeschooling, cleaning, dinner, baths, bedtime routine, etc. Then instead of relaxing like I did previous school years, I have to start my school. It takes hours. I don't get to bed until 1:30am. Then I start all over again the next morning. If I had a newborn, I would take less classes. It's difficult, but doable if you are extremely motivated.

Edited by Jinnah
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Yes, it will be hard, but when did you ever let something hard slow you down?? My guess is that, as a homeschooler, your decisions are based on choosing the best thing..... which is not often the easiest thing. I say "go for it"! What a blessing to have a Mom who is so willing, and able, and qualified to help you out! I went back to school 2 yrs. ago to get my 2nd bachelors in accounting. I had 4 children to homeschool and care for, and my dh lived and worked (still does) in a different state. Crazy! But I studied between 10pm and 7 am. It felt so good to use my brain that way! I was energized! I was also tired. But so what, it was worth it!!


Best of luck to you. You can at least give it a try. If it doesn't work out, you will have at least tried. But I have a feeling you'll do great!

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I'm not a nurse, but I have a job that requires travel. My parents help with homeschooling on the days I'm away, and it's been a fantabulous arrangment for all parties.


In terms of homeschooling, I've had to adjust some of my educational philosophies and real-life applications to account for a co-teacher/substitute teacher. I'm not really free to do things all my own way because it's right that I take into account my parents' needs, desires, talents, challenges, and abilities.


In terms of relationships, I've always been on very good terms with my parents. We don't have background drama or control issues or other struggles that might undermine my kids' academic environments OR -more importantly, IMO- my relationship with my parents outside of homeschooling.


If you're willing to be flexible on the school front, and have a strong foundation as an extended family ... this could be successful and beneficial for all of you, even through the challenges of finding your collective groove. Even if I were to quit my job, I'd continue to involve my parents in the homeschooling of my children. It's been amazing on so many levels.


Best of luck working through these tough, but exciting decisions!

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