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Another gross practical question about going to the bathroom for dogs

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How long can a dog go without peeing before needing to see the vet?


How long can a dog go without pooping before needing to see the vet?


The vet wants me to call him tomorrow with an update on how she's doing. I just need to know if I have to call him before then.


Libby (dog with spinal cord injury) last pee'd around 2 pm yesterday. (It is now approx. 10 am here now.) She is drinking normally now.


She has not had a proper bm since Tuesday but she was not eating solids from Tuesday to Friday. She had watery diarrhea Friday in the middle of the night but that is it. She started eating normally on Saturday.

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Jean, I don't know what breed Libby is but my Cane Corso can go easily from one evening to the middle of the next day without peeing. He drinks quite a bit - we are in a fairly hot area.

I would not worry about the bm yet because her system may be still sluggish from all the anaesthesia she received and the fact that she has not been eating solids.

If you are concerned though just give the vet a phone call.

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My dog is like a camel - she can hold her water for a very long time. I wouldn't be so worried about her urinating quite yet - she may do it some time today. I think 24 hours, especially if she's sore and has difficulty moving and positioning herself, would be long enough. If she doesn't, I'd let the vet know.


I would also keep an eye on her for the rest of the day with the bm, too. The meds likely have slowed her system down. And, sometimes, if there isn't enough exercise going on to get things moving, there will be a delay. If she's been eating solid foods since Saturday and drinking well to stay hydrated, it's likely today is the day. If it's not, I'd call the vet.


Is she up and moving around yet?

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I take our dogs out about three times a day. Since she has not been eating I would not be too worried about a lack of bms. She may have been a little dehydrated before she started drinking normally, if that is possible I would not worry too much. I would go ahead and take her out more frequently. Three of my dogs,including the disabled one, are small. I wouldn't worry too much until around 2p.m.

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Define "up and moving around"! She can move herself from side to side (ie. flip herself over). She can get in an upright "down" position - where her head is up between her paws. She has stood on 3 legs for less than a second but cannot stand steadily.


How would she be able to hold herself to go to the bathroom? Did the vet give you instructions for how to help her?

I wonder if she is just uncomfortable having to be touched or held by someone while she's trying to go.

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How would she be able to hold herself to go to the bathroom? Did the vet give you instructions for how to help her?

I wonder if she is just uncomfortable having to be touched or held by someone while she's trying to go.


She cannot hold herself to go to the bathroom. From suggestions on another gross practical bathroom question;) I got suggestions on timing, privacy (as much as is even possible in this situation) and made a sling for her front legs out of a towel to help hold her up.


She was relieving herself lying down on a puppy pee pad in her pen. She isn't doing that now, which is why I was worried.

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Did they teach you how to express her before you brought her home? Bms generally are not a problem when there is paralysis but urination can be a problem. Our dog is male and I don't know how different the instructions are for a female but the description we were given was to feel the abdomen for something that feels like a water balloon and to press that.

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Did they teach you how to express her before you brought her home? Bms generally are not a problem when there is paralysis but urination can be a problem. Our dog is male and I don't know how different the instructions are for a female but the description we were given was to feel the abdomen for something that feels like a water balloon and to press that.


But she was peeing repeatedly without needing to be expressed before today. They said that I didn't need to know how to do that because she could pee on her own.

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Poor Baby! She cannot even stand or walk - perhaps you could gently feel if her bladder feels full. Perhaps she was not as aware when she peed before and now is more aware that she cannot do her business in her usual position?

My dog has to find tall grass or nobody can be around before he goes # 2.

Peeing does not seem to be such a privacy issue with him. ;)

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Libby pee'd!:party: Outside:party: I had her standing - no go. I had her sit - no go. I had her in a "down" position (but not on her side) - she lifted her bum and went! It's a bit messy and got on her back paws but it worked. Her pee is a pretty dark color so we will continue to push the fluids.


No #2 yet but I'm not quite as worried about that as I was #1.

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Libby pee'd!:party: Outside:party: I had her standing - no go. I had her sit - no go. I had her in a "down" position (but not on her side) - she lifted her bum and went! It's a bit messy and got on her back paws but it worked. Her pee is a pretty dark color so we will continue to push the fluids.


No #2 yet but I'm not quite as worried about that as I was #1.


:hurray::hurray::hurray: Yay, Libby!


Jean, did the vet give you any of the bath wipes? They come in a round plastic container and pull out (like cleaning wipes or diaper wipes), and they are treated with something that is supposed help wash the dog. They were helpful when Lily had her surgery and had some issues with balance.

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:hurray::hurray::hurray: Yay, Libby!


Jean, did the vet give you any of the bath wipes? They come in a round plastic container and pull out (like cleaning wipes or diaper wipes), and they are treated with something that is supposed help wash the dog. They were helpful when Lily had her surgery and had some issues with balance.


He just told me to use regular baby wipes. When she was peeing lying down, I was bathing her daily in a baby bath tub to try and avoid urine scald.

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Wow! Didn't you say you had to flip her from side to side? She seems to be regaining some motion! Good sign, yes? :thumbup:


Yes, she is improving. When she came home on Thursday she could not flip from side to side and could not lie upright in down position. She could not or would not drink and refused to eat. She's doing all of those now. Peeing outside and upright (even if it is still in down position) is another huge milestone. My kids thought I was crazy jumping around with joy because the dog pee'd outside!

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