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What exactly is Pinterest? I see lots of people talking about it on Facebook. I really have no desire to join another social networking system...I am just curious. No one who loves it can give a good explanation of why it is so great.


Between Facebook, this site, my blog, and the studio owner forum I frequent; I just don't have time to get in to anything else...just want to know why it is so great other than..."It just is. You have to try it." My understanding is that it is a place to post pictures...that is all I have managed to get out of anyone.:confused: I don't need another place to post pictures.

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I was on the waiting list for less than a day.


I am now using it to try and coordinate clothes for a family portrait. For once, I'd like one nice group photo where we don't look like a random group of people who wandered in and decided to be photographed together. :tongue_smilie:


I'm also beginning to use it to organize items I'm looking at for Christmas, DIY projectst, landscaping ideas....


It's soooo cool! Wish I'd signed up earlier.

Edited by darlasowders
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What exactly is Pinterest? I see lots of people talking about it on Facebook. I really have no desire to join another social networking system...I am just curious. No one who loves it can give a good explanation of why it is so great.


Between Facebook, this site, my blog, and the studio owner forum I frequent; I just don't have time to get in to anything else...just want to know why it is so great other than..."It just is. You have to try it." My understanding is that it is a place to post pictures...that is all I have managed to get out of anyone.:confused: I don't need another place to post pictures.



It is basically an electronic bulletin board. You can make multiple boards for categories you want. Some of my categories are Travel Wish List, Homeschool, Recipes..... Basically anything you want to remember, you pin it to your board. It is visually appealing and a lot easier to navigate than a "Favorites" list on your internet explorer. I love it and am officially addicted!!

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My understanding is that it is a place to post pictures...that is all I have managed to get out of anyone.:confused: I don't need another place to post pictures.


More accurately, it's a place to store links using images. For example, I am coordinating ideas on one of my boards for family portrait outfits. I can see everything side by side and get an idea of what might match MUCH better than trying to line up windows in my browser. I can also see pretty quickly if a shirt I had picked for one family member is a touch too dressy, too sporty etc as compared to the rest.


It's great for home decorating ideas, coordinating fabrics if you sew, yarn, recipes, projects, homeschool rooms, anything you might want a little help visualizing how it might come together before you jump in.


In short, it's a place to keep track of the many ideas and inspirations I find on the net. It's also helping ME to actually cull my ideas. I can just as easily use it as a tool to eliminate as to add. When I see something that won't work, it's outta there.

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It's a visual bookmarking website.


The way most people use Internet bookmarks is already outdated and has been for some time: bookmarks on one web browser on one computer.


Delicious.com allows you to bookmark in the cloud--you can login on any computer with Internet access to access all your bookmarks.


Pinterest.com is similar, but you get a visual representation of your bookmark. Like a recipe? "Pin" an image of the link to one of your boards, and access it from any computer (or your phone or iPad, et al).

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