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Cr*ppy day. The new owners are coming to get my horse.

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I thought we had another couple of weeks before they would be ready and so I guess I hadn't really prepped myself very well. It had to be done. Things were not going well at the boarding facility and we couldn't afford another one because the others are much, much higher priced. I haven't been able to work with her enough to complete her training, so this seems to be for the best.


But, still.....I'm a grown woman sitting here knowing that logically this is how it must work out and yet, I can't stop crying.


Dh, who is normally pretty tuned into my emotions, is not being very sensitive. He's happy we won't have her room and board coming out of our budget and that I won't be a stable hand at that farm anymore. So, he's humming a tune and practically dancing a jig. I know he doesn't mean to be hurtful so I'm hiding in the bedroom right now. It's just a cr*ppy day.


That's all. I'll be better tomorrow.



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It's hard to let them go! I've been terribly upset when we've sold any of ours, even when I know it's for the best.


If it's any consolation I usually feel better when it's all done and not hanging over me.


When it's all done would be a better time to appreciate not having the extra expense and work. Maybe slip DH a note and let him know that! My DH would be the same way and occasionally finds himself the target of an emotional overflow. :D

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