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Elemental Physics - Gears Kit one or two???


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I just have one child, so no clue.

I would say: If money is an issue and the kids share well, have them do it as a joint project.

Many of the projects are complicated and have many steps, so there is plenty of work to share. Also, if I remember correctly, after you have made the initial project, you can alter it to further explain the concept. If they don't always share well, maybe have one do the project, then have the other one make the alterations?

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Thank you. This is helpful. My biggest concern is ds1 has this tendency to take over and not let ds2 do any of the building. ds2 is already tagging along really, but I want him to have the opportunity to really experience things for himself. Since I don't have any previous experience with Elemental Science, I just wondered what has worked for those who have used the program. Especially those that have shared it among siblings.


Thanks for your input.

Edited by SewLittleTime
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My biggest concern is ds1 has this tendency to take over and not let ds2 do any of the building. ds2 is already tagging along really, but I want him to have the opportunity to really experience things for himself.
My DS tends to get overwhelmed with all the pieces and steps w/K'nex. (Though he doesn't with Legos. Go figure.) I am his 'helper.' We sort out the pieces we need, then work together. I do think the K'nex snaps together hard. Some of the pieces DS simply cannot connect on his own. He tries and, if he can't get the pieces together, I will help him.

I understand your eldest having a tendency to 'take over,' as I have the same problem. :001_huh: It is a good life lesson to sit back and wait to help until asked. One I obviously need to work on myself. :D Might be good to have them work together, if you can monitor. Or have them write out a schedule: Eldest leads one project, youngest leads another project.

I just have the only, but do have an older sister so I understand your concern.

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My DS tends to get overwhelmed with all the pieces and steps w/K'nex. (Though he doesn't with Legos. Go figure.) I am his 'helper.' We sort out the pieces we need, then work together. I do think the K'nex snaps together hard. Some of the pieces DS simply cannot connect on his own. He tries and, if he can't get the pieces together, I will help him.

I understand your eldest having a tendency to 'take over,' as I have the same problem. :001_huh: It is a good life lesson to sit back and wait to help until asked. One I obviously need to work on myself. :D Might be good to have them work together, if you can monitor. Or have them write out a schedule: Eldest leads one project, youngest leads another project.

I just have the only, but do have an older sister so I understand your concern.

Ds2 may need the help, but certainly would rather him seek help on his own then have big brother take over and do for him.


I like your idea about have one lead one project and then switching. I'll discuss that with dh and get his input.

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I don't know how Elemental Physics is set up, but is it possible you have one boy do the project on one day and the other on another day. Maybe they could each work some what privately, take a picture and then take it apart. Then at the end of the week, they can come together to each show their work and explain to each other what they did.

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I don't know how Elemental Physics is set up, but is it possible you have one boy do the project on one day and the other on another day. Maybe they could each work some what privately, take a picture and then take it apart. Then at the end of the week, they can come together to each show their work and explain to each other what they did.

This is a good idea. It would take some coordination on my part, but I think that might be an option worth exploring. Thanks!

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