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Help with Apologia General Science

Guest arlanci

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Guest arlanci

I am teaching a class of six middle schoolers, mostly sixth grade using Apologia General Science. We invested in a book for each child. We have done most of module one and most of the kids except one or two feel like it is soooo hard. How can I add some spice and fun to it? I have three or four of them sixth grade boys and they are just not wanting to focus. One is mine. They are getting to the age where they are expected to find information in the text and write down assignments and they are struggling with it. NOthing major just saying this is soooo hard. I am wondering how I can use the text we spent all this money on and I love. But also keep the kids learning and interested not bored! Of coure, they like the experiments but not wild on the lab report after.

Thank you for any help. ALso if you could post any good blogs of people using it or websites.

April (Alabama)

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I'll take a stab at this. We've used Apologia General twice already and the 1st chapter is the hardest according to my children. Also, the first half of the book is "general science" and the second half is the human body. Because this is traditionally a 7th grade curriculum, I would split the book in half and only do the first half this year. I'm doing that with my son this year (after learning the hard way with my older two). Then you will have plenty of time for the material to sink in and you'll have the time to make it fun. It's very easy to find extra hands on activities on the internet or the library. Just slowing down will help immensely.

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I'll take a stab at this. We've used Apologia General twice already and the 1st chapter is the hardest according to my children. Also, the first half of the book is "general science" and the second half is the human body. Because this is traditionally a 7th grade curriculum, I would split the book in half and only do the first half this year. I'm doing that with my son this year (after learning the hard way with my older two). Then you will have plenty of time for the material to sink in and you'll have the time to make it fun. It's very easy to find extra hands on activities on the internet or the library. Just slowing down will help immensely.


I'm likin' what you're saying. :iagree:

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Hello, I have a blog where I've posted videos to go along with each module.



After we've done experiments, I then post what we did on my main blog. It's kind of an overview of the module, and if there was anything I changed about the experiments, or any experiments added, I write it there.



debbiec posts for her class, too.


Don't miss the Educator Resources link at the bottom.


Marty =)

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Well…I've looked through that book and I can't say that I blame them for not liking it. I found it VERY dry and boring - and most people that I've known who used it were doing so with 8/9th grade or up, not 6th.


6th grade boys…so they're what, 11ish? I'd find something that's WAY more engaging than that book. I don't know what to suggest specifically, but I'd be looking for something that was fun & exciting - something hands on and active. Boys that age (and a lot of girls too) like to build things - or destroy things. :p


Robotics? Rockets? Volcanoes? Gross out biology? I don't know what all is out there, but I bet there's stuff that's a lot more fun than that General Science book. JMO :D

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Looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Are you currently doing General Science? I noticed you have additional videos for Modules 1-3. Will you be adding more?

Thank you! :)

Yes, I'll be adding new posts as we go throughout the year. :001_smile:

I try to have them posted a few days before we begin the module (that's my plan anyway!) Last year there were a few times it was cutting it close due to unforeseen circumstances. You can see my projected schedule under the calendar tab, barring any outbreaks of illness (we tend to share illnesses w/ cousins):glare: or any inclement weather keeping parents from driving up my big hill!

So glad you can use these posts. =)

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