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I apologize for beating a dead horse BUT I need Latin advice plz..


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LFC looks independent for my 6th grader and rigorous. LL looks like fun for the whole family (6th, 3rd, 2nd & Mom). I also like the fact that LL is only 3x a week as opposed to 5 days a week at 30 minutes a day.


I have no Latin experience and neither do my dc. I had 2 years of Spanish in hs conjugating verbs etc but it is gone.


Any advice or suggestions for figuring this out? I am so NOT savvy in looking at Latin curriculum like with say English or Math curriculums:confused: I feel quite ignorant in this arena.


Thank you!


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Lively Latin -- your oldest can do it independently if you like, no experience required. My 5th grader often did (even my 2nd grader did sometimes) and would come to the table for "Latin Class" smiling. We did it 5 days a week -- 15-20 minutes a day and we'll be starting LL2 soon! :)

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I don't' have a 6th grader, but I asked Drew, the Latin expert, about Lively Latin - it is important to me that it be fun, and easy to teach. He said it should be perfect for us. When I've looked at the samples, it looked like it's got excellent teaching instructions, and I do need it to be fairly idiot proof. :D

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We love Lively Latin. I enjoy it and my boys look forward to it. So I don't mind printing out the pages. I just print out what we'll use that day, and when ds3 is older he can use it too. I think on her website she has an estimate of what it costs her to print the whole book out-maybe $15?

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Just wanted to re-interate what the others have said. I'd let your 6th grader also do Lively. He/she can do it independently and move along as quickly/slowly as he/she likes. That way you don't have the expense of two different programs.


I self-printed at home. The whole book took a bit less than 1 cartridge each black & color.

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I want to add that I was fearful of LL; that the program would not be as good as the samples. Have you noticed that some companies put their best pages on the samples and the rest is sub par?? :tongue_smilie: I was so happy to see that so far my downloaded/printed pages look *better* than I expected. We just purchased the program- it looks great, and so far the kids like it.

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Thanks guys,

I just got home from bumming a friend's LFC and Cambridge Latin. They are actually the "old" LFC Dvds but I thought I could get a feel for the program. I feel quite led to the LL so it will be interesting to see what I think of the others.

I do appreciate you all taking the time to respond! It is also interesting that I didn't get a single response for LFC!!!!!



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