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I need help decided which level of TT to use.

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Both of my boys will test out of TT 7. (of this I am sure) However, after looking at the samples online, I feel that they would both do best with TT 7 rather than Pre-Algebra simply because of the way that TT explains things. I think that they would get a better foundation before moving on. They can do fractions, division, multiplication, etc. All those basic things pretty well. However, *I* don't feel that Saxon explained concepts very well (division being one of them) and I want them to feel comfortable and be able to ease into pre-algebra without any issues.


If you use and love TT, please tell me your opinion. I have called TT and all I was told was that, "Yes, they should be able to move on, but TT 7 would lay a good foundation."


We are using MUS Zeta right now. This is what we've used throughout our homeschooling years:

ABeka (for part of K and then MUS)

MUS Alpha

MUS Beta

MUS Gamma


MUS Epsilon

Saxon 7/6

MUS Zeta


We love MUS, but I have always had TT on the 'back burner'. Saxon was moving way too fast for my dc. I am concerned about MUS for the upper levels. I had intended to use MUS pre-algebra after we finish Zeta. (we only have 17 weeks left in Zeta) However, I have some concerns about MUS upper levels after talking with other homeschool moms.



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I don't know if this will help your decision, but here goes :) We were using Singapore Math and were switched to TT. My older daughter tested out of 4, but 5 looked a little tough for her. I thought she needed to quickly go through 4 and make sure she knows everything really well before moving on to the next level. So we are doing 2-3 lessons a day to get through 4 and then will move onto 5.

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Funny you should post this. My dd just completed TT7 last year and averaged a high B all through the year. After a couple of months off, she all of a sudden can't demonstrate to me that she's retained what she learned though. As a 12 year old with LOTS going on in her mind and body, I think the matter of math retention is becoming much more challenging. I am seeing this as her individual need for more reinforcement rather than a fault of TT.


Because of this new discovery, I've decided not to go on with PreAlgebra as I had planned to. I'm going to put dd back in Saxon math with DIVE videos for at least a year. We'll either stick with it, or go back to TT with some added supplements. I have been a huge fan of TT for the past three years and am not dissing or ditching their program, I just see my dd's need for a way to hold on better to what she has been taught.




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Funny you should post this. My dd just completed TT7 last year and averaged a high B all through the year. After a couple of months off, she all of a sudden can't demonstrate to me that she's retained what she learned though. As a 12 year old with LOTS going on in her mind and body, I think the matter of math retention is becoming much more challenging. I am seeing this as her individual need for more reinforcement rather than a fault of TT.


Because of this new discovery, I've decided not to go on with PreAlgebra as I had planned to. I'm going to put dd back in Saxon math with DIVE videos for at least a year. We'll either stick with it, or go back to TT with some added supplements. I have been a huge fan of TT for the past three years and am not dissing or ditching their program, I just see my dd's need for a way to hold on better to what she has been taught.





Is TT set up like Saxon in any way? And is it spiral?

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Is TT set up like Saxon in any way? And is it spiral?


No, it isn't. They do review on previous concepts, but not as repetitively as Saxon does. And that's the point for me taking dd back to Saxon. The spiral approach just may be what she needs in order to retain those very important concepts. Not all kids are the same though, and TT may have enough review to help your own students.




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Is TT set up like Saxon in any way? And is it spiral?


Another difference between TT and Saxon is that while Saxon jumps from topic to topic from one lesson to another, TT's topics are divided into chapters which provides a more obvious systematic progression. Take a look at the Table of Contents that are posted on their website and you'll see what I mean.


Dd needs both the consistent, but moderate, review of previous concepts and the organization of concepts that TT provides.

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I still don't know which level to choose. :tongue_smilie: I have going back and forth all day. TT 7 seems to give an overview of everything. Typically, pre-algebra is done in 8th, right? If I give my dc the pre-algebra placement test and they pass should I put them into pre-algebra? The dc and I were looking over the samples today and both dc loved the way that the division rules were explained. I don't think Saxon taught it that way.



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I feel that they would both do best with TT 7 rather than Pre-Algebra simply because of the way that TT explains things. I think that they would get a better foundation before moving on.


I have called TT and all I was told was that, "Yes, they should be able to move on, but TT 7 would lay a good foundation."
Well, it sounds like TT confirmed exactly what you thought. :) Stick with TT7. A good foundation, confidence building, etc. is nothing to brush off lightly.
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