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Has anyone found that hidden parasites may be the result of skin problems?


Long story short- Came home from a trip to Turkey three years ago, had pinworm-treated, and noticed a round patch, small on my leg- thought it was ringworm, put lanolin on it. It eventually went away after a couple of months, then another scaly, dry patch appeared on my other leg. It went a way, then this year, a patch appeared on my arm, I have had it 6 months.


I travelled to Costa Rica this year, upon arrival home in the spring, I was sick with an upper resp/sore throat and stressed, two weeks later, I have spots all over me.


My dermatologist trained brother said pitrysis rosea and wait 8-12 weeks-only saw photos. It has been 10 weeks- started tanning some spots have dried up. Others still look as awful as day one.


A whole other camp of people think parasites which could have been in me for years, causing skin issues.


What are your thoughts?


Headed to a internal medicine doctor today- to get a biopsy/referral for psoriasis.


I have been completely healthy my whole life. I did start getting vitaligo about the same time. But that is in the family not so shocked. Could I possibly be just falling apart? I am wondering if I should change my entire diet to raw, trying to get to the root of this but the medical community just seems to diagnose, not resolve.

Edited by Lux Et Veritas Academy
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I have been completely healthy my whole life. I did start getting vitaligo about the same time. But that is in the family not so shocked.


Vitiligo may be an autoimmune condition. I wasn't sure so I looked it up and apparently the cause hasn't been determined. People who have one autoimmune disease tend to have others, so that may be what you're dealing with.


I don't think hidden parasites are causing your problems. Real parasites make you really sick. There are lots of parasite "cures" for sale, but they are scams.

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Vitiligo may be an autoimmune condition. I wasn't sure so I looked it up and apparently the cause hasn't been determined. People who have one autoimmune disease tend to have others, so that may be what you're dealing with.


I don't think hidden parasites are causing your problems. Real parasites make you really sick. There are lots of parasite "cures" for sale, but they are scams.


Since most people do carry some parasites of some kind, parasite cures are not all scams. Having said that, not everyone needs to take a parasite cure because most people's immune systems and gut flora etc. can keep any parasites in check.


Parasites can cause "small" systemic problems that end up being very big problems indeed. I was treated for parasites two years ago when I had ended up being so sick that I could not vacuum my house (due to pain and fatigue). It was a gradual process though that never ever would have led me to think of parasites until a doctor said essentially "We've tried everything else - lets try this." (And that's a more common approach in medicine than you think.) The cure was not fun (lots of time in the bathroom) but overall change to my health has been amazing. I ended up doing this in desperation because of chronic problems but small skin problems that I had overlooked as unimportant cleared up.


Of course, having said that, I don't really know if parasites could be the root of your particular problem.

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If you want to know if you have a parasites do a legitimate test for them. Metametrix comprehensive stool will find any parasite living in you. Genova stool will too if you do three different tests. If those are "clean" I wouldn't give thought to parasites. My experience with parasites in my son (he's had a slew of confirmed parasites) is that they make a person sick.


I think a lot of what you read and hear tends to attribute tons of stuff to unknown and unconfirmed "parasites" and then treats them "as if" because, after all, we all have them. We don't all have pathological (human host, survive, infect, live in people) parasites.

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It sounds similar the outbreak of eczema my DD had several years ago. These round dry areas just showed up on her arms and legs. The Dr. Said it was eczema, prescribed a steroid ointment, and they cleared up in few days. It was strange though because she had never had a problem with eczema before or since.

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