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Teachers' Lounge 8-26-2011

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Welcome to the Teachers' Lounge! Where we homeschool teachers come in for conversation with other homeschool teachers (usually moms) that includes encouragement and usually some chocolate, too!;)

What's for lunch today? We had lettuce wraps and Little Casesar's pizza because it's a busy day! :D

What are you looking forward to this weekend? Here: a local friend of mine who also happens to be a published author has invited me to a writers workshop tomorrow. The main speaker will be talking about writing Young Adult fiction which is what I'm working on! I'm very excited! :thumbup:

And now for a really random question:001_smile:: if you could change ONE cleaning, cooking, washing, hygiene product in your house, what would it be and why? Here: just did a complete overhaul on those, but I do need to get some coconut oil because I'm told that's actually better for you than olive oil.

Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Friday.


Today was leftover burgers and some fresh berries from my Friday veggie box.

Weekend? I am taking a long peaceful hike in the woods and starting on my basement cleaning and actualy looking forward to both. That reading nook won't build itself.


Your random question is hard. I'm pretty happy with where we are with each of those areas. I'll see if someone has a terrific idea for me.

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DS had a stuffed focaccia for lunch, and I had crackers and red bell peppers with hummus. We both really enjoyed our food :)


This weekend I am looking forward to the kids going to a friend's birthday party. They love the location, and the mom is one of my best friends, so I will stay and "help" while the kids play. Yay fun!


I want more cast iron! That's the one thing I really would love to have is a whole giant set of cast iron dishes. And room to store them, but that's a different problem.

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Karen, have fun on your hike and building your reading nook. Maybe I should come test it out when it's done! :^)


Sarah, both of your lunches sound yummy! And, yep, I could use a cast iron pot or two myself!

As for storage, shouldn't you display them? That way they can be out in the open in case you need to bean a burglar! :p

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but I do need to get some coconut oil because I'm told that's actually better for you than olive oil.


Talk to me! :bigear:



LOVE my coconut oil!!


Today's lunch was chili mac (with PB&J for Boy 1 because he doesn't like it).


Not much going on this weekend ~ DSs aikido training, working on organizing the HSing corner because we start in a week and I really like to get things done ahead of time! HA!


To answer your question ~ I'd love to have a kitchen full of vintage Pyrex, but I'm happy to just collect a piece here and there at the thrif stores & yard sales. I could buy full sets on ebay/antique shops, but they're so pricey and half the fun of a collection is the hunt!

Edited by Jamauk
Fogot my weekend plans!
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Hi Scrap!


Lunch today was stew and a salad with beets, which I normally don't like but found surprisingly tasty.


Weekend - doing one week's worth of laundry! And getting mail caught up. And figuring out what groceries I need to restock the fridge etc. And going to the library. And spending more time with the animals because they are insecure. And knowing that your kids are likely to be cranky because they are overtired and at 6's and 7's. Don't you love re-entry after you've been gone from home for a week?


Change: I'm afraid that I have no idea on this one. My mind is still at camp. . .

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