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Need a definition for "living books"


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My mom and mil have been asking what kind/type of books to get the kids for school so they know what to be on the lookout for when they go to thrift shops or yard sales. We are going with the Charlotte Mason style this year and I've been trying to explain what "living books" are and failing miserably at it, lol! :tongue_smilie:


Could someone help me? Thank you!

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Can you type up a wishlist of books you'd like to have, sorted by category (i.e. chapter books, nonfiction, picture books) and alphabetized, and give the list to your mom and MIL?


If they're okay with a list like that, you'd be more likely to get the books you want, and your mom and MIL could more quickly develop an understanding of the kinds of books you're looking for so it would be easier for them to surprise you with similar books.

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I think in most cases, I'd prefer to receive gift cards, preferably that I could spend online, bc there's SUCH good selection and great prices online.

Teaching other family members to spot book treasures is a tricky art, and I haven't succeeded at it yet. When other people pick out books for my kids, they're usually awful.


STILL... here's my attempt: "Any book, however old or new, that is in well-written English with stories that will fascinate and delight even modern children and spark their sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. Pictures, if any, should be of high quality and add to kids' enjoyment of the text."


(but kids need pictures FAR less than modern kids' book publishers seem to think, and sometimes, just listening to a story is a delight)


Many books that adults consider "classics" are overly moralistic or cloyingly nostalgic for the joys of childhood. Sometimes, an old book is not worth reprinting, but sometimes, it's worth preserving forever.


Check out The Baldwin Project, also, for a list of titles you could pass along.


Hope this helps!

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I would give her some examples of what you want.


I also think it might be better to suggest they scout out great chapter books (fiction) such as Winnie the Pooh, Peter Rabbit, Charlotte's Web, and so forth, as there are always lots of those at yard sales and thrift stores, but it's easier to explain that you want those nice, well known stories you read as a child (or something like that), in unabridged form. But I'm not sure it's going to be easy to describe a "living book" about rockets or frogs. I think well known novels are more understandable.


The price of gems at a yard sale doesn't compete with even bargain online purchases, which have to factor in postage. I have gotten great deals for 25c or a bag of books for $5, whereas I have to pay at least $3.50 for anything I buy online -- great prices, but not as cheap. I have been amazed at what I've found used in person, so I completely agree it's a great place to look. In my experience, though, there are equal measures total junk and priceless treasures!


You might also want to read this recent thread:


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Thanks everyone! I was just having fits trying to explain it, I'm really not at all that strict on fun reading material, I've told them both to just get whatever they think is a nice book and if we don't like we'll just donate it to Goodwill or whatever. I more wanted to have a definition for myself for when me and my mom get to talking homeschool stuff, lol!

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