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soooo happy that my son is now happy!

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A few months ago I posted about how hard things were with my son. He was obssessing about going back to public school. He wanted to go to the middle school with his friends. He was miserable about it. But, I wasn't giving in, because I knew it was for the best to keep him home. He had fits. He had tantrums. It was awful.


Well, I knew it was about the social aspect. He hadn't made any homeschool friends, as the groups were too loosy goosy, and most had kids much younger or older than himself. So I took the initiative and started up a group just for middle school kids.


Well, he is now HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has made friends, had his first crush, his first break up, and is part of a real group of kids. They all get along great. And the parents are nice too! In fact, several were driving over to the beach to see the big waves from Irene, and I couldn't take him because I didn't bring enough diapers for the baby for that long of an outing. So one of the mom's offered to take him with her kids. She will feed him dinner and I will pick him up from her house in a little while. He also will get to see the baby squirrels she is rehabbing, which he is thrilled about.


Don't get me wrong. He is still a pubescent Aspie that drives me nuts sometimes. But I'm realizing how much of his behavior was because he was truly unhappy. Now that he is happy in his life he is so much nicer to be around!!!!


So I post this to encourage you with kids that are going through this. There can be change. It has taken a lot of work, and it will continue to be work, but the payoff is huge.


Oh, and thanks to all of you that GET IT when I said I was going to homeschool him against his wishes. No one I know in real life did. So thanks.

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That is so encouraging! We are entering 2nd year of HS, against the wishes of my nearly 11 y/o son. He wants to be with the friends he had at PS. We are trying a new group this year. I can imagine what a difference it would be to HS with kids who were content with the social aspect (and hope I get to experience that this year)! I would love to hear what you do for that age group and how it goes throughout the year.

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That is so encouraging! We are entering 2nd year of HS, against the wishes of my nearly 11 y/o son. He wants to be with the friends he had at PS. We are trying a new group this year. I can imagine what a difference it would be to HS with kids who were content with the social aspect (and hope I get to experience that this year)! I would love to hear what you do for that age group and how it goes throughout the year.


Good luck! It helps that there are other kids in this group that are proud of being homeschooled. Several went to the public middle school and hated it.


As for what we do, so far we have met at a local ice cream parlour (that also has smoothies and italian ice for dairy free folk), a local park, the dollar movie theater, and Denny's. Because it is SOOOOOO hot out we are moving our park day to the local mall or bowling alley until it cools off. WE have field trips every month as well.

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