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Which science kit for Flying Creatures?


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I want to buy a kit to go with Apologia's Zoology 1, but I'm too tired and too short on time to figure out which one to buy. Someone, please tell me you've already done the research. ;)


So far I've looked at the one on the Rainbow website (expensive!), the two at Creation Sensation, and one at Home Science Tools. I'm desperate enough that I will spend the money on one of the more expensive ones, if it's really worth it. I just cannot afford to ignore science again this year. :tongue_smilie:

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I bought the one at CBD. It's wonderful. It comes with everything (well almost everything) in a bag for each lesson. It's so organized. It's soooo expensive but, for me, well worth it since I'd never take the time to gather these supplies and then no experiments would be done. Alot of it could be reusable too.


Good luck,

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Another vote for the one from Nature's Workshop. I buy directly from them so they make more money on the kits and will, I hope, continue to make them. We used the kits for Flying Creatures and Earth/Astronomy last year and are doing Anatomy and Swimming Creatures this year.


To give you an idea how complete the kids are, the first "Try This" exercise in Swimming Creatures is to set up two blow-dryers or fans to blow across a casserole dish of water, to illustrate the formation of gyers. I was already pulling out two oscillating fans, and extension cords, as I only own one blow-dryer, before we realized the kit actually included two of those little personal fans with the plastic blades, and batteries to go with them. They are the cheapest possible fans, but for something that only has to be used once, they were perfect.


If you are going to do all or most of the activities, over the course of a year, you might actually save money with the kits because you would not have to run out and buy small items here and there. Plus, if the materials are right there, labeled and sorted, science is a thousand percent more likely to get done at my house. Truthfully, the Nature's Workshop kits are the whole reason we do Apologia!



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We are doing Botony this year. I just received my kit and am quite impressed. Everything was separated by lesson in a labeled baggie. Talk about organized! Every Homeschool could benefit from organization so I just thought that was awesome that a company would do the work for me! The one from RR is the same one from Christian Book. This kit comes with a lot more included than the one from Home Science Tools. If you plan on doing all the experiments/activities, the one from RR is the one I would go with.

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