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Teachers' Lounge 8-24-2011

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Can you tell I overslept today? ;)


Welcome! Tonight's dinner special is Chinese Stir Fry. The chefs are myself and Kroger (Fry's). :D


What's for lunch today? Kids and I had egg rolls from Fry's Deli. They were just okay but it was lunch time and we were hungry!


What's not quite right about today? Here: yestereday I spent ALL day cleaning due to company coming over and wore myself out! Thus, I slept in LATE today. :tongue_smilie: So, of course, our schedule is off . . . still. :glare:


Time to get myself crackin'! :)


What did you have fun with today? We did a science experiment (dd12's assignment) using red cabbage, vinegar, baking soda, and a balloon. :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Let's see, I think dinner tonight is going to be breakfast: scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and strawberries. I don't feel motivated to make anything else.


Lunch was 2 hot dogs and 2 drinks from Costco before we did our shopping. You cannot beat lunch for 3 people for $3.25!


Today we did some service work at church, ran errands, and then did an hour of silent reading during quiet time. Well, the 4yo played by himself in his room during that time since he can't read yet.


What's not quite right? My dishwasher keeps starting then stopping instead of going through an entire cyle. I'm hoping we don't need to buy another one.


Nothing overly fun was accomplished today. We took a day off from official schoolwork to do community service instead. Our church is hosting a big festival with the local recreational sports league, so there was a lot to get done to be ready for Saturday. I am thankful that Hurricane Irene will be sparing us, although I'm worried for all my relatives in NH/MA.

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Ha! I'll just come in for the FAN! <sliding chocolates over, settling in>

It turned a little muggy and warm on us today and so a fan feels good.


Lunch was actually Brunch, and then it was only a bowl of GrapeNuts cereal. I seriously slept in! I feel fine, just running low on iron so I am needing more sleep right now.


Fun was rollerskating! It was a crowded madhouse in there, but so glad we stuck with it and some friends showed up. I only ran over one child, but it was a mild crash and neither of us hit the floor.


Supper tonight was homemade chicken veggie soup, and some deli beef/lettuce/pickle sandwiches.


What's not quite right? The fact I could skip even the virtual chocolates!

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We just finished dinner. We had egg noodles and swedish meatballs with mushroom gravy and a side of sugar snap peas. Not very exciting, but the kids love it and eat it willingly. :D


What's for lunch today? We had a hodge podge of leftovers today. DD1 had potato gnocci with alfredo sauce (leftovers from last night's dinner), ds had enchiladas and chile rellenos, dd2 and I had tacos, and dd3 had rolled lunchmeat & applesauce. The fridge is now looking pretty bare!


What's not quite right about today? We're still easing into our fall extracurriculars, so our schedule feels a little weird.


What did you have fun with today? DS worked very hard to finish his schoolwork early today so he would be free when the UPS man delivered his new Harry Potter lego sets that he purchased from Amazon with his birthday money. Unfortunately, the UPS man didn't come until 4:45! He's currently working on assembling the sets!

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We haven't officially started school yet, but I heard there's chocolate here! MmmM! I spent some time flipping through SOTW 1 to see how I want to break it up because there's more than 36 lessons in there. I don't want to rush through it, but I don't want to be doing it all next summer...IDK. Then I glanced at RSO earth/space to see what I want to do with that. Twice a week, I think. Then a flip through our US Atlas we'll use once a week for geography. All that in between laundry, dishes, children, etc.

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