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Why did I even try


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After the past 3 weeks of school with our now 8 yr old (9 in November) twin boys my husband and I are wondering why we even bothered doing school stuff the past 2 years. They have been great the past 3 weeks, eager to get started, staying on task and generally interested in school. It's like they were replaced while we slept one night...it has been great!


Not to say the past 2 years were a waste, just alot of frustration on everyone's part.


Anyone have a similar experience with this age group?

Edited by ClassicalTwins
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I've seen a huge difference in my 8 yo this year compared to last, and I've wondered the same thing! He can actually sit still and get several items of seatwork done independently. He also can concentrate longer when I work with him (30 rather than 10 minutes) and is able to print beautifully when he focuses on handwriting. It's so much more fun to teach him this year. And it's so cute to see him working by himself at his little school desk, looking scholarly.

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