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Is Saxon Phonics fun?


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I tutor a ps girl during the school year in reading. Her school uses the Saxon phonics program. I have been very impressed with how thorough the program is. However, it seems kind of dry (at least what I see her bring home that we work on during her tutoring sessions).


I am already researching what programs I would like to use to teach dd4 to read next year. I used Reading Made Easy with my oldest dd, and while it worked, I DO NOT want to use any program that specially types the letters or words so that the dc know what sound they make.


I have also looked at Hooked on Phonics, Alphaphonics, and OPGTR. I know that phonics isn't necessarily fun, but I would like something that doesn't elicit groans every time we pull the book out :001_smile:

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Relatively speaking, we thought Explode the Code (ETC) was fun.


The goofy humor went a long way in making sure this subject got done in a relatively pain-free fashion. Some of the alternatives would have been killers.


Combined with the Leap Frog Videos (Talking Letter Factory and Talking Words Factory I & II) and graded readers (we used the Bob Book series) reading and phonics progressed swimmingly.



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Relatively speaking, we thought Explode the Code (ETC) was fun.


The goofy humor went a long way in making sure this subject got done in a relatively pain-free fashion. Some of the alternatives would have been killers.


Combined with the Leap Frog Videos (Talking Letter Factory and Talking Words Factory I & II) and graded readers (we used the Bob Book series) reading and phonics progressed swimmingly.




We're using the Get Ready for the Code books right now and dd4 LOVES them! I didn't think they were an actual "teach a kid to read program." I thought they were to be used as supplements to other programs.


If you were able to use them to teach your dc to read, do tell :bigear:

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We're using the Get Ready for the Code books right now and dd4 LOVES them! I didn't think they were an actual "teach a kid to read program." I thought they were to be used as supplements to other programs.


If you were able to use them to teach your dc to read, do tell :bigear:


This combo is what we used. It worked beautifully as far as I'm concerned. My son entered Kindergarten (yes, he attends school) already reading strongly and as a rising second grader remains one of the very strongest readers in his class at a very highly performing school.


I have seen that some people consider ETC a "supplement," I don't get that, but nor do I claim to be an expert on phonics or teaching reading. I just know what worked for us.



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MCP Plaid Phonics, OPGTTR and ETC were failures here. DS5 hated them. I really wanted him to like them! We finally settled on Memoria Press' First Reading Lessons. DS5 loves these books. They use ZB handwriting (which he also loves), but you don't need a seperate handwriting book. You color and draw pictures a lot so that is really great for DS because he is artistic. For DDalmost4, I am planning on either using PAL reading from IEW or AAR.

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