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Michigan Renaissance Festival

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Anybody been? What did you think?


DS is really into knights right now, so DH is thinking he'll take him one weekend. Is there enough stuff there for a 7yo to enjoy?


Would it be worth it for me to come along, too, with the babies (17mo and newborn), or would we just get tired and restless?


Anything we should look out for/be sure not to miss if we do go?

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There is a LOT to see at this festival. If the man is there that trains hunting falcons, he is SOOOOO worth seeing. The interesting thing is that some people will bring their little dogs with them to the festival and if the owners try to attend his demonstration, he has to ask them to leave because small dogs are "prey" to the falcons and they will attack. It's a very informative demonstration.


The marketplace is pretty neat, there are minstrels and court jesters, as well as formal plays and acts, normally several per day. There is some sword play demonstration but I am assuming that for safety's sake it is with epees and not the real thing.


My brother and his wife go every year. We've never done it because this time of year is just NUTS with Dh's work. But, if I can find a breath in the schedule somewhere, we might go.


One word of caution, though it is usually VERY family friendly, I would still not choose to go on Buchanner Beer weekend or the other main alcoholic event (can't remember the name). You can look these up on the website. As a general rule, these events do draw a little more of the serious drinker crowd and by evening, the language and behavior has been known to be a little bawdy. Again, most of the time it is very family friendly. But, you just have an element that comes in strictly for the beer and with them come their girlfriends dressed as "pub wenches" and well, the joking is not innocent and neither is the language. The organizers are serious about this event though and occasionally will throw a bawdy element or two out if they catch them.


As for going with the babies, I really can't say. I don't know the grounds well enough to know if there are adequate places to sit and rest, change nappies, or feed without a lot of noise and chaos around. You could possibly email the event organizers. I believe there is contact info on the website.





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It's a good one! I think your son will enjoy it. We used to go every year, but due to the seasonal nature of our business we can't get away now :(.


As far as going with toddlers/babies, *I* wouldn't, but I was never the type that enjoyed pushing strollers or slinging a baby in crowds. It just made me cranky and I didn't enjoy myself. There is a trek from the parking lot to the festival that can get really mucky if it has been raining, too.

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We've been to the one in Texas on school days. I wouldn't take my kids to the regular festival because of the raunchiness I've heard about, but it's toned for for school days, plus it's cheaper and not as crowded. I would check and see if yours has something like that. We LOVED it and can't wait to go back this year.

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