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How to actually use Dancing Bears?

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Am I doing this right?


This is what we are doing, using the cursor, showing one diagraph or sound at a time, he sounds it out and says the word. Sometimes I go pretty fast and just smoothly move the cursor over the word. I don't give a checkmark (or tick) unless he get them all right the first time. Is this all there is to do?


Today we read Tim is a Dim Cop. I used the cursor and he only missed two words. Do we get to move on? This program is confusing me a little. Anyone have any advice?


Thanks so much. :001_smile:

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That's pretty much what we do.


If DD7 stumbles over a word that I *know* she already knows how to sound out, I just keep going and give her the tick.


The thing I'm unsure about is how long is it okay for her to keep sounding out words instead of just fluently saying them? Some words she can say fluently. Some words, like fish, she'll still say "ffff-ish" and then follow up with saying "fish." Is that acceptable throughout the whole book?

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Just don't forget to do the "flashback" technique. That should cover anything that he stumbled on and then you can move on. If my son does not get all the words, I do not give a tick. But he is allowed to miss it, then correct himself and get it right. I give a tick then. But if he is totally getting it wrong, no tick. We move on to the next set and then I go back to the set he didn't get the next day.


We are doing Bear Necessities 1A. My son is newly turned 5 and is typical. No learning challenges. He LOVES this program.

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:iagree:Yes!!! Thank you, ChristusG and Misty! I really needed the reassurance, because I was afraid I was doing it wrong. I am doing the flashback technique too. I just forgot to right it down in my OP. :) I hope this program works, because its not too hard to implement. :) Thanks again!

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If they miss it at all, I flashback that day and try again tomorrow.


If he's sounding out every s.ou.n.d still, I flashback - no tick.


I give 1/2 ticks. They mean that he tried the line with a good attitude. It's not part of the program, but it keeps up morale. We don't move on until he fully reads it all w/o stumbling earning a full tick.

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