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Can I tell you what my 3yo just said?

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My dh's Great Aunt Ruthie died this past week. We went to the viewing on Friday night and Isaac had a lot of questions about everything. This morning while at breakfast Isaac asked if Aunt Ruthie was buried in the ground yet. I told him yes she was. Then he asked me "WILL SHE GROW NOW?"


Oh, my lands!!!! I kept a straight face and answered him about everything. But, I about died laughing inside!!! What they won't come up with!

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:lol: That is hysterical! Sometimes I have to bite my lip and look away, especially if they're asking things in all sweet sincerity and have no idea they're being funny.


Do you write this stuff down? I try (when I remember) to add those gems to a document I keep on my computer (I can't keep track of papers). It's up to five pages now, and I made an album last Christmas for the grandparents of all the funny things they'd said through the years, along with a few small photos of them at those ages. Or at least you have it written down to share a laugh with them later on! :D

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that is funny. Several years ago, we were at my niece's memorial service at the cemetary. I heard some people start laughing and looked over a few yards at another freshly dug grave and there were my children ages 2 and 5 using sticks to dig up the nearby grave. The poor pastor kept on trying to give his talk while almost everyone was laughing. Luckily, no-one got upset.

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That is so funny! It reminds me of the time I planted a vegetable container garden with the kids when they were little. I mixed cow manure into the potting soil. The kids were so eager to get outside every day to check on their garden and I was praying that those seeds would germinate. A few days into it, my DS asked me when the cows would start growing. The entire vegetable thing had gone over their heads. I still laugh when I think of how they thought we were growing cows.

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