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Spelling wisdom?

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I have 3 dc using Spelling Wisdom (with the 4th asking to start ;) )and we really like it. It doesn't cover spelling rules but if you have a general 'spelling rules' book handy you can always look up the relevant rules and discuss them as the student prepares words for the dictation. I have found good improvement in their spelling using this dictation method.

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We have mostly used SWR in the past. However, we needed a break from the unrelenting "same-ness" of SWR.

I bought Spelling Wisdom because I appreciate the goodness and beauty of the literary selections used in it.

My plan is to apply the rules we have already been exposed to (if not yet mastered). I believe the approach to SW is as solid as that which is used in any dictation setting...modeling ...and imitating that model.


best intentions,


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I have just started using it with my oldest, age almost 14, who is basically a good speller. I wanted to do dictation with her but could never find anything hard enough...she is so good at dictation. But recently I noticed during our national testing she didn't know how to spell a few words she should have, and it really is only lack of exposure. She would be happy doing a workbook but it would be another thing to add to our days so I am trying Spelling Wisdom. I have bought the 4th book for her, which is supposedly above her level,(for 9th -11th grade) but it is perfect and finally I have some great dictations which actually challenge her, although I have had to start half way through the book to find the level of difficulty which stretches her.

The literature selections are really wonderful and they are carefully chosen to contain appropriate spelling words for each level.

I think it is fairly self evident what it is....a dictation program to cover spelling, as Charlotte Mason proposed....but its no more than that, either.

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We're enjoying it. The studied dictation method really seems to work for my dds, and I appreciate having such wonderful selections at the ready.


Have you also looked at Simply Spelling? I know there are several ladies here who prefer it, but I personally didn't need the extra marking activities and such.


HTH :001_smile:

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