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How do you grade the quizes in LC1? My 3rd grader wrote ora and labora instead of oro and laboro. Do I count these entirely wrong because she forgot that she was to give the "I" translation of these verbs? Also, in the first conjugation part, she wrote amos instead of amas. She is one letter off.


Based on past performances in Latina Prima, I am happy that she came close.


BTW, these questions are from the first quiz.



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I don't grade my kids work at this point, but I would just gently correct them. Do you have to keep grades? If yes, I'd give 1/2 credit or something. If not, I would just not worry about a "grade" and make the correction with them.


When my kids make mistakes like this I usually circle it and when I go over it with them ask them, "Do you see what is not quite right about this?" They will often be able to correct it themselves. If not, I tell them the answer and explain why what they put was wrong.

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They're wrong. They're important errors. ... But I prefer to "correct" but not "grade" a 3rd grader's Latin work anyway. So I'd mark them, and we'd go back over them carefully, making sure she understood her mistakes. But I wouldn't record a number grade.

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I don't have to report grades, but I do try to keep them to encourage my girls to work harder. My fifth grader has a pretty apathetic attitude towards school, and my third grader out performs her in some areas. Because I also have an older d doing the same Latin work, I need a fair grading system.


I knew the mistakes were "big" ones in that verb conjugations are very important, but since dd is in 3rd grade, I wasn't sure how "harsh" to be. Maybe I will skip the grade on this quiz altogether, but I still need to decide how to grade future quizes.


Thanks for the help!

Edited by AdamsFamily
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One last idea. I have ds do his work in pencil. Anything that is wrong I just fully erase and give it back to him to do again. I remind him that it is erased as he didn't get it right, so to focus. If they are wrong a second time I erase again and let him look up the answers. I figure that way he has more chance of it sinking in.

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