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8th grader who struggles in grammar??

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We tried Easy Grammar and he did NOT like it, didn't too very well either. I believe his biggest struggle was remembering the prepositions.... he memorized them without a problem but when it came to recognizing them in the lessons he struggled.


Not sure what to use....any suggestions?





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Well, I always suggest Rod and Staff. It is extremely clear and concise in its explanations. Has lots of review, especially if you include the oral review scripted for you in the TM and the additional worksheets. It is mastery based so you concentrate on one part of speech until all related concepts are mastered and then move onto another part of speech. Each year builds incrementally on the next. The text is non-consumable so there is a lot of re-writing of exercise sentences but I believe this is beneficial in having your student writing complete and well composed sentences. You can however do the majority of the lessons orally, on the whiteboard or only assign a portion of the exercise based on how much practice you feel your student needs.


It is 'ahead' of many programs and only goes through 10th grade. The upper levels (8th, 9th and 10th) deal more with advanced grammar concepts and composition). The recommendation for an older that struggles or has had very little grammar instruction is to start with the 5th grade book but if you have a language intuitive student I think the 6th grade book is far enough back. My two oldest, dd12 and dd13 are both doing the 6th grade book this year after having started with the 5th grade book last year and I'm very pleased with their progress. My oldest could do the 7th grade book but has a heavy load in other subjects so I'm letting her have an easier grammar year this year.


It is Christian, although more so in the lower levels than in the higher levels. There isn't a preachy overtone in the upper levels but many of the sentences use names and events from the Bible. At first my dc were a little put off by some of the biblical names so we just substituted Joe for names we didn't feel like pronouncing.;) You can check out the Table of Contents for the 5th grade book here.


Good luck in your search!

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I think that's why it's important to know the function of a preposition rather than memorize them.


The elevator went down. (down is an adverb modifying the verb went, answering the adverb question "where")


The cat went down the tree. (down is a preposition, linking the cat and tree in direction).


Prepositions tell how two words in a sentence are related in space (above, below, on, behind), time (before, after, during) or direction (toward, from, to).

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Besides R&S, Hake Grammar and Writing 5 worked well for one of mine. We skipped the dictations and journal and the entire writing portion. But the "More Practice" pages are in the back of the Writing wkbk. Sneaky, IMO. I feel you can get away without using those.

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