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Caesar's English - Which books to buy?

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I am ready to purchase Volumes I and II of this series and am not sure how many of each to buy. I will be using it with both my children, but thought I read here where most people only buy one copy. Is this because the actual work is done in a notebook and not in the student book?


I am planning to purchase the TE also, unless convinced otherwise.


Looking forward to your thoughts,

Pamela F. in VA

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A lot of people buy JUST the teacher's book...it's pretty much the same text as the student book, but with extra information for the teacher added in. The answers are all in the back, though, so the student won't see them if he's reading along with you. I bought both the student and teacher book this year, and I sort of wish I hadn't--I'm just really not seeing the advantage of having both. BUT since you have two students doing it (assuming the plan is you'll all work on it at the same time), it'd probably be easier to have 2 copies. But, yeah, you definitely don't need 2 separate student books; they don't need to write in the books at all.


ETA: okay, rereading and I'm thinking you mean your kids will be at different levels this year? In that case, I'd just buy the teacher's manual for each level.

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Thanks! Actually, my dc will be doing the same book at the same time. They will be 8th and 9th, so the plan is to do one book per semester.


Is the work mostly written, or is there discussion to do also? If it's mainly written, then I'll just have them share in order to save expense.



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Thanks! Actually, my dc will be doing the same book at the same time. They will be 8th and 9th, so the plan is to do one book per semester.


Is the work mostly written, or is there discussion to do also? If it's mainly written, then I'll just have them share in order to save expense.




Lots of discussion. I know a few people have said they just have them read it, but imo the discussion is the core of the MCT books (which is what he says also).

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