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s/o Stool Refusal Thread: This is how we did it:

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Again, I apologize for the link that I posted that mentioned grounding and punishment in their method. I didn't read this particular article and was surprised that it was the only article I could find on 'stool refusal' -- 6 or 7 years ago when I searched, there were many, many articles.


Here is the method I used with the level of participation the little boy's parents were able to provide (he was at pre-school from 7am till 6pm five days a week).


We called it 'poop jail.'


C did not nap during naptime at preschool - naptime/quiet time was typically from 12:30pm till about 2:45pm. Some kids slept so soundly they had to be awakened even with all the lights on and everyone else up and about. Some kids didn't nap and they could keep busy with quiet activities.


Didn't nap, as I said. He would be on his mat near e with books, puzzles, crafts, etc. His parents and I decided that his mat would be placed near the door to the rest room that was in our classroom. We explained to C that he would be in 'poop jail' during rest time -- he thought this was the funniest thing he had ever heard. His mat was 'poop jail' -- if I even got my foot on his mat, he would be hysterial laughing that Mrs. Mariann was in poop jail. :glare: :lol:


His parents and I explained to him that instead of going home from school at 6pm and going in a pull up, we really thought it would be a good use of his time if he went in the toilet during quiet time. We told him we were pretty sure he could do it, and he should think of the mat as poop jail -- the way to get out of poop jail was to use the toilet and put his poop in the toilet (sorry - but if you are dealing with this issue, well, the vernacular is the vernacular).


He agreed that he would stay on the mat/poop jail during quiet time and try to recognize the feeling that he did get when he would arrive home and go in the pull up. His parents explained that I would be asking him every few minutes if he had to go, and he was to take a moment and see how he felt. I would also continue to ask when rest time was over until I left for the day......the pm teacher would ask him as well. If he had to go when he got home and put on the pull up, that was fine. But, we all thought that with Kindergarten looming in the next year, this mmight be a good way for him to get ready for K. He agreed.


I also told him that he was to tell me what BIG gift he wanted me to buy for him the first time he went in the toilet - I told him I knew that once he went in the toilet for the first time, he would be ready to give up the pull ups and use the toilet regularly.


The gift he wanted was (from a Freudian perspective) absolutely amazing -- he wanted one of those huge science kits to build a volcano -- he was an incredibly bright little boy -- did I mention that yet.


Our little cutesy toy store had a volcano kit - back then, it cost $60. His parents went and checked it out and gave it a thumbs up -- so the deal was in place.


The first couple of days, he laughed and joked with me about being in poop jail -- was quite pleased to tell the couple of other kids who didn't nap during quiet time that he was in poop jail and our days continued as usual -- he would go when he got home.


This continued till the 2nd week (if I recall) -- on the Tuesday of the 2nd week, he began going in and out of the bathroom a few times during quiet time which he received huge amounts of praise for doing.


On Thursday of the 2nd week, he was sitting in poop jail reading a book and suddenly bolted to the bathroom.......and had a bm in the toilet.


You have never seen a kid so thrilled to have used the facilities! :D


We called mom and dad (they are both attorneys) so he could tell them. The pre-school had someone go and take care of my class so I could run to the toy store and buy the volcano. I had them gift wrap it for him!


I returned to school with the beautifully wrapped box and we agreed C would wait till he got home to open it -- he wanted to open it with his big brother H there.


That's it in a nutshell.


Let me know if you have any questions. Again my apologies for the link that was not what I thought it was.

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