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Sun Allergy?

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I've researched this quite a bit in various places but suddenly got the grand idea to ask you all about it.


Here's my story: I have lived in TX my entire life. So, much of it is spent in the sun/heat. I have dealt w/ it about as well as anyone else. Until the last few years-maybe 4-5 yrs ago.


Basically, I've noticed that if I am outside during ANY temperature, hot or cold, but during peak sun exposure (1pm-5pm), within a few hours I have the following sypmtoms:

-extreme lethargy

-I slur my words

-what words I do get out make no sense, not in normal sentence pattern



-difficulty walking (my husband has to help me)


Sort of like the symptoms of a hangover. So, I've adjusted my life. Unfortunately, it's becoming harder for the kids to handle. They understand not playing outside now b/c it's so hot, but when it's in the 80's, 70', even 60's, I cannot be outside in the afternoon. We can only dor things in the morning. Also, this means that doing normal family things like going to a zoo, waterpark, amusement park, are completely out of the picture.


I've spoken w/ my IM, Endo, Gyn,Derm and they keep telling me it's heat exhaustion and to hydrate. But, they're just not listening to the fact that this happens to me even when it's in the 60's. That cannot be heat exhaustion, however I have increased my fluid intake when outside just to prove them wrong. :)


I've been tested for Lupus (more than once), RA, and other autoimmune syndromes. All negative. I do have Reynauds but shouldn't be attributed to this.


Anyone else ever get this? I didn't find much on the internet that is similar to my reaction. I would just so much love to find an answer.


Thanks for tolerating my long story, Jessica

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I've got what I think is a sun allergy in that if I'm out without sunscreen, I get a rash on my arms. It's not a sunburn - but it is very hive-like.


What you're describing doesn't sound like an allergy in the way that I'm familiar with allergies (my son has severe food allergies and some environmental allergies).


Good luck figuring it out.

Do you think taking a video of yourself when it's happening would help to show your doctors?

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