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Want to homeschool

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I'm really really really (i think you get it now) am dreading another year of public school!


I have 8 kid's; ages 10, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3 & 9 month old twins.


Can someone tell me I'm not crazy to try it?


My husband's parent's are completely against it, they say they will never be social :glare:


I completely disagree, I was home-schooled until 8th Grade, Then I went to Private School for high school.


I live in Michigan in a small town outside of Alpena. I know of quite a few homeschoolers.


I don't think I'll survive another year public school, the kid's hate it! They literally with throw tantrums because they don't want to go!


Can anyone picture my house in the Morning, yeah it's crazy!


Sorry if this post is complete ramblings; it's 12:48am here, I'm awake stressing about the upcoming school year.


Please give me some advice, And tell me i can homeschool them..Thanks in advance!

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There are lots of people who homeschool 6+ children. My BIL and SIL homeschool 8. I did not think I could homeschool 1, but we have had a great time so far.


Yours are close enough that you can do some of them together. Your 3 and 4 year old can do preschool together this year. I am using Brightly Beamings Letter of the Week curriculum for my 3 year old. It is free and super easy.


Your 6,7, and 8 year olds (maybe 10, I don't know) can easily do science and history together. Test everyone for placement in math, you may even be able to combine some there. Literature can be read aloud together. Grammar may be a challenge too, but you could just start the middle 3 in the same program. I am using Rod and Staff English 2 for my 5 almost 6 year old, but it is meant for 2nd grade. If you only have to separate for 2 subjects, that is not bad.


Combine as much as possible and don't stress too much! You can do it, if it is really what you want.

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You can do it! Don't listen to your inlaws; they raised their children how they saw fit, you get to raise yours how you see fit. With that many kids, I would recommend Managers of their Homes and Managers of their chores. The first helps me (and I only have 3 kids, only one whom I've sorta kinda practiced homeschooling so far) and I really really really really :lol: want to et the second one, bc I need help having the kids help clean. Put those kids to work! And that's all the practical advice because, like I said, I've only got three. But you can do it!

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You'll only be seriously homeschooling the top few; Of course you'll be social with them. There are co-ops, field trips, and... wow.... imagine.. sleeping in.. in the morning!!! Just pull the plug on school and enjoy. Start school in October. You'll be fine.

There's tons of curriculum, but if you want one that would work for all of them, perhaps start with MFWbooks.com (My Father's World, I think I got the site, right) Math... (Math-U-See is pretty independent and a great curriculum... it's DVD for one of the lessons... others can tell you more.) I use Singapore, but I only have one child to teach. If I had more, I'd be using Math-U-See. (MUS) My newest Science that I've found that I really like is God's Design for Science. You can use it for more than one grade.

I would concentrate mostly on the oldest 3 and then wrap in the littles when possible. Some people do all the instruction while the littles are napping/resting. You could do that with independent work in the morning.

You can do it!! :)

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You are prob not as brash as me. but I would tell my il's that they have raised their kids already and it's none of their business.


I KNOW you can home school them! You might regret it if you don't try! That was my main driving force about HSing... If I screw up I'll just put him back into PS. =)



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You can homeschool! The women so far have given excellent advice. You know what is best for your children. It's good to have support - your husband's mainly. Is he on board? Expect a time of transition coming home from public school. I don't have a large family but the benefits of homeschooling so far are wonderful! I think anyone can homeschool if they so desire.



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