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Spanish question--gr.1


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My DD6 wants to learn Spanish.

She is a quick learner, has recently taken off on the piano, and tends to like things that are different from her older brother and sister.

I started my oldest with Latin when I pulled her out of school and I planned to start DD6and DS8 with Latin in another year and get to Spanish later in middle school.

Since she really wants to learn Spanish, I picked up a couple of "Teach Them Spanish" workbooks (mostly vocab worksheets) to satisfy her. But, one page of this workbook lists supplemental books....so I started checking my library system online and found that they have MANY Spanish language children's books.


So my question (wow, this is long) is, has anyone tried using Spanish children's books as a primary teaching tool for teaching early Spanish?


My Spanish background is limited to 4 years in high school. I feel comfortable reading the children's books aloud, but there are some on tape.

Is this a foolish endeavor? :bigear:

Any advice?

Edited by Coffeemama
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My DD6 wants to learn Spanish.

She is a quick learner, has recently taken off on the piano, and tends to like things that are different from her older brother and sister.

I started my oldest with Latin when I pulled her out of school and I planned to start DD6and DS8 with Latin in another year and get to Spanish later in middle school.

Since she really wants to learn Spanish, I picked up a couple of "Teach Them Spanish" workbooks (mostly vocab worksheets) to satisfy her. But, one page of this workbook lists supplemental books....so I started checking my library system online and found that they have MANY Spanish language children's books.


So my question (wow, this is long) is, has anyone tried using Spanish children's books as a primary teaching tool for teaching early Spanish?


My Spanish background is limited to 4 years in high school. I feel comfortable reading the children's books aloud, but there are some on tape.

Is this a foolish endeavor? :bigear:

Any advice?


Not foolish at all! We cobbled together our own (immersion) Spanish from whatever resources I could find in preschool and elementary. One thing I rarely did, though, was to read to the kids in Spanish. My accent is horrible, and I only wanted them to hear the language from a native speaker.


We found quite a few books on tape, etc. at the library and used these extensively. I also really, really liked the program Salsa. http://www.gpb.org/salsa/term/episode


Many movies on DVD can be set to play in Spanish.

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  • 2 months later...

We're listening to "Raton Ramon" by Susy Dorn in the car. My kids (6.5, 5, and 3) love it and are memorizing FAST. This is the ONLY CD we have that they will actively listen to for 45 minutes straight. I'd go the children's book route except that I am very uncomfortable with my spanish accent, having taken only a 10 weeks of the language.



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