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If You are Living with MS, or Someone Close to You Is....

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I sincerely wish I had information to offer, but all I have is hugs - lots of them!!! My mom had MS - from about when she was 30 years old (and I was an infant) until she died from complications 5 years ago. It is a terrible, heart-breaking disease & I offer comfort & support to all those going through it!! :(


She did not do any natural therapies - I forget the name, but she did the standard (at the time) injections. We were actually just starting to look into alternative treatments right before she passed away.

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My friend has MS and has a website here. She talks about how she's never been on any medication for it and just recently watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead where two men cure their autoimmune disorders. I know once she found out she had MS (3 years ago when she was pregnant with her youngest) she did gluten free for awhile. She did cut out all MSG, HFCS, colorings, preservatives, etc from her diet. I'm sure you could email to talk to her more.

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Yes about the GAPS diet! :) My mom's friend just has been really careful all her life with lowfat foods and decent eating. I would say that I'd look at studies outside the US to see "other" choices. I'd also seriously go to a DR that has a good reputation in using Eastern Medicine. I'd investigate Acupunture, too. If you pm me, I'll send you a blog of someone I was just reading today... with her blog. :)

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I worked on a television series centered on alternative medicine. One of the profiles we did was on a woman with MS named Ann Sawyer. As a scientist (psychotherapist) Ms Sawyer delved into the literature when she was diagnosed.


She found studies linking MS symptoms and diet. Building on the work of others and connecting a few dots she has postulated a link between some key "trigger foods," foods known to produce an immune response in people with many different illnesses.


Among the problematic dietary items are gluten, eggs, dairy, legumes, and yeast. In addition to these common trigger foods she believes there are "individual trigger foods" that cause an immune response in some people but not others and one needs to know ones body to know when a food is a "trigger."


Ann Sawyer has a book called "The MS Recovery Diet." In it she outlines in detail the science behind her beliefs, how an immune response physiologically leads to damage to the myelin sheath surrounding nerves and how this damage to myelin is what causes MS symptoms.


She does not claim to "cure" MS. The diet simply aims at preventing the cascade of effects that comes with setting off an immune response, myelin damage, and MS symptoms.


Ms Sawyer struck me as completely sincere. Both she and her co-author had very debilitating MS and were living close to normal lives. We spoke with others who claim there lives were turned around following the diet.


Since the essence of this plan is to follow a type of "elimination diet" no one is making money selling you expensive supplements or treatments.


I tend to be "skeptical" of alternative health claims, and I would urge you to do your own research. I can only say I was very impressed by Ann Sawyer and her story. And there seemed to be (from my limited perspective as a non-scientist) a well explained scientific basis for "why" some foods could cause an immune response and how that could lead to symptoms.


I always thought if I had a loved one who came down with MS this is an approach I would urge then to consider. There is no real downside, other than the eliminations of some popular food ingredients from ones diet.


Best wishes.



Edited by Spy Car
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