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I'm the one with ADD, and I could use some help

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Hi everyone,


I'm a newbie; I just joined this afternoon. I should first mention that this is my second year in a row as a homeschooling mom. (I also briefly taught my daughter for her 3rd grade year, before joining a private school for a time. She's now in highschool)


I am completely sold on the benefits of homeschooling my children and have no intention of changing that. Last year was an experiment of sorts, and my children passed with flying colors. I'm not so sure about myself. I really struggled with staying on task and sticking to a schedule... all of the normal issues I have always needed help with. Many times through the year I found myself frustrated and trying very hard not to become overwhelmed.


I was wondering if there were any other parents out there who have been diagnosed with ADD or something similar, and would you mind sharing your advice for dealing with the day to day? Any curriculum recommendations or other material? Any help would be a blessing.




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There have been several posts lately about adult ADHD. Perhaps they will give you a starting point.


Here are the links. (some are not specifically adult.)









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I'm reading "No Mind Left Behind" by Cox, and you might find it helpful. It mirrors the things the OT talked with us about for ADD. Her big thing was structure. Took me a while to figure out what she meant by that, but what she means is a structure that helps keep you on-track.


I think these also become complicated by our own personalities (read "Do What You Are" and "MotherStyles" to see what I mean) and just the reality that we ARE going in so many directions. But understanding yourself and what's going on is the first step.

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Thank you for the links, I'll go through them and see if I can find some helps. :)


My biggest issue seems to be grading work. At the beginning of the school year I had a homeschooling friend tell me that I need not worry about schedules or anything like that. She was afraid I would stress myself out trying to keep our days regular. That was fine with me! I hate schedules! Yuck! P'tooie!


Except... ok, maybe I need to stick to a schedule. ESPECIALLY when it comes to grading papers.


It is nice to know that other ADDers out there ARE successfully teaching their children. And also that their kids are surviving. Because some days I have my doubts about my own ability to remain sane AND teach my kids. :)

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I don't know if this helps, but I have ADD.


I have a schedule sort of like MOTH so I try to stick to that. Basically I have guideline times. School during this BLOCK, Lunch by X, naps @ X


1/2 of my mind tries to change my schedule around every day. I can go with the flow but then things don't get accomplished and I get frustrated!


It helps to make a list. I have morning lists, afternoon (naptime) list and evening list. I rarely look @ the list but if I catch myself wondering what to work on next I can look @ the list.


I just have to keep telling myself (and my kids) focus and STICK TO THE PLAN. Also we are gluten free which has helped my focus a bit.

It is our 2nd year officially homeschooling so just trying to hang on right now!

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I don't know if this helps, but I have ADD.


I have a schedule sort of like MOTH so I try to stick to that. Basically I have guideline times. School during this BLOCK, Lunch by X, naps @ X


Please pardon me, my 'Newbie' is showing, but what is MOTH?


I like your idea for lists. DH bought me a white board half way through the year to put in my room- right next to my desk. Of course, the trick is getting me to LOOK at what I wrote. :D

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