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TOG Ancients Project Pictures!


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These are amazing, Lee! I am going to be sitting down today and tomorrow to figure out the first few projects we are going to do for our Ancient study. These pics have inspired me! :001_smile: I'm going to try to do better with blogging this year...I regret not doing it last year :glare:...so I'll be sure to post some of our projects.


ETA: The beaded necklace is fantastic! I think we'll definitely have to do that one.

Edited by King Alfred Academy
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I added some more projects from our first week...we're actually in week 3 already! I'm looking forward to seeing lots of projects from you all. :)


ETA: The beaded necklace is fantastic! I think we'll definitely have to do that one.

Thanks! If you want to wear it, I'd recommend using plastic or wood beads (not paper)!

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