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Why can't I make this simple decision?!?!

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I know that I probably sound like a broken record because I have posted about this a couple of times before. It is just that I am having such a hard time making a decision as to whether to send my son (who will be 7 in two weeks & going into 2nd grade this coming school year) to a University Model School two days a week this school year.


It would be for Science, History and then an elective.


I have attended the parent's meeting, my husband and I have filled out the application, I have contacted friends about help with transportation should we send our son to the school, and I have talked to my son about it just to see what his thoughts are (he is fine with whatever).


For some reason I am having problems taking these last steps of sending in the application and knowing that this is the absolute right decision. Maybe it is just because it is all new to me.


We plan to definitely send our son to the UMS two days a week once we hit 3rd grade, so this is just a year earlier, right??? So, what is the big deal!?!?


I am driving myself crazy with this and my husband just keeps saying "you are the one in charge of home-schooling him, you have to do what you feel best with". Ugh! I know that and I don't know why this is so difficult for me.


I feel so goofy.


I need to just put the application in the mail today and go with it.


I do in-home childcare too and this may help give me a few hours on Tuesday and Thursday to plan our home-school week a touch better while he is at school. Maybe. The teachers at the school will have a lesson plan for History & Science that will be given to me weekly. I will still be teaching both of these subjects to my son on M,W, & F. So, he will be getting ALL subjects five days a week.


I am great about creating plans to follow so that both the childcare and home school work well together each day, but I am bad about actually following through. I MUST work on that part.


Sorry for bringing this up again. I don't even really know what I am expecting by posting once more. I think I am just frustrated that I can't seem to find a peace about all of this. I know that this is really a great school from what a few of my friends say, so why is that not helping???


Gosh, I feel like just crying, but that would just be silly. :(


Thanks for reading this again and I hope each of you have a wonderful day.

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Bluebell: I have decided to keep him home this year and I will do all the home-schooling. After looking at everything, I came to the realization that I am definitely capable of teaching him in History and Science right now. We do not need to spend the money right now in order for our son to learn well in these subjects. I already have the curriculums, plus supplements for both subjects and I think we will do very well. :)


We will re-assess everything next year to determine if our son will go to the UMS in third grade.


As of right now though I feel like a weight has been lifted and I am at complete peace with my decision. I definitely feel that I am doing the right thing. :)

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Bluebell: I have decided to keep him home this year and I will do all the home-schooling. After looking at everything, I came to the realization that I am definitely capable of teaching him in History and Science right now. We do not need to spend the money right now in order for our son to learn well in these subjects. I already have the curriculums, plus supplements for both subjects and I think we will do very well. :)


We will re-assess everything next year to determine if our son will go to the UMS in third grade.


As of right now though I feel like a weight has been lifted and I am at complete peace with my decision. I definitely feel that I am doing the right thing. :)

I'm glad this was your decision. From reading your original post, I would have suggested keeping him home. Your uncertainty is probably spiritual leading. Best wishes for a wonderful and enjoyable school year. YOU CAN DO IT!

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I'm glad this was your decision. From reading your original post, I would have suggested keeping him home. Your uncertainty is probably spiritual leading. Best wishes for a wonderful and enjoyable school year. YOU CAN DO IT!


I agree with this, especially the bold part!

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I just want to say that sometimes moms receive inspiration concerning their children that cannot be explained at the time. I can't tell you how many times I took my oldest dd to the doctor/hospital with no symptoms, got a lot of goofy looks, and discovered she had an infection. (Even dh thought I was nuts at first.)


Trust your instincts.

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Bluebell: I have decided to keep him home this year and I will do all the home-schooling. After looking at everything, I came to the realization that I am definitely capable of teaching him in History and Science right now. We do not need to spend the money right now in order for our son to learn well in these subjects. I already have the curriculums, plus supplements for both subjects and I think we will do very well. :)


We will re-assess everything next year to determine if our son will go to the UMS in third grade.


As of right now though I feel like a weight has been lifted and I am at complete peace with my decision. I definitely feel that I am doing the right thing. :)

So glad you're at peace with this. When you have difficult moments or days (which are inevitable), don't drive yourself batty second-guessing your decision. Your boy is seven. Just seven. You have years ahead of you when you can stress about this-n-that.:D Enjoy the simplicity of these early years. Of course you're capable of teaching him this year ~ just as you're capable of teaching him next year, if you ultimately decide to continue in that vein. Best to you.
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I'm glad this was your decision. From reading your original post, I would have suggested keeping him home. Your uncertainty is probably spiritual leading. Best wishes for a wonderful and enjoyable school year. YOU CAN DO IT!


I have come to the realization that every time I am uncertain about something the uneasiness is a way of God telling me which direction NOT to go. I just don't get the clue right away. I most recently discovered that (again) this past year when we decided to homeschool. I had a wonderful full-time job, but we had it on our hearts to homeschool and for myself to stay home. God provided a way for me to stay home, yet I still kept checking into all the options of "schools" for my daughter to attend. It started out as a concern about academics, but ultimately became a decision about what was overall best for our family. We did not feel comfortable with sending her even though everyone we knew was sending their children to a traditional or at least a charter school. Once we decided that we were going to homeschool we have had peace about it. I hope you continue to have peace with your decision.

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I have just been able to read all of these wonderful responses and I just have to say thank you to each & everyone of you for the great encouragement! :)


Yesterday, after making the decision, I just felt soooo much better. I began getting excited about everything again, researching any other material I may want to use with my son, etc.... It just made me so happy. :)


I still feel that way today and I know without a doubt that the right decision has been made.


I do believe that I was basing everything on this past school year and all the stress that it involved. Unfortunately, schooling my son was affected by all this happening, but we pushed through with the basics and got all our requirements in for the year. :)


Some of my family knew how hard is has been and really thought that the University Model School would be a great idea for our son. I began to feel the pressure that I needed to send him there so that I would not have another year like last year from others. I think they just knew my stress levels and thought it would really help me out. For a while, I did too.


However, now I know what we have chosen is absolutely the right thing for our family. Lots of the stresses are still there with certain situations & they won't go away anytime soon because it involves my older daughter who is eighteen. That is fine. I now have this feeling that I will be able to tackle these situations better and do a great job home-schooling our son as well.


O.K., sorry for the book I have written. I just really wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for the encouragement I have been given by each of you. Thank you!!! :)

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I have come to the realization that every time I am uncertain about something the uneasiness is a way of God telling me which direction NOT to go. I just don't get the clue right away. I most recently discovered that (again) this past year when we decided to homeschool. I had a wonderful full-time job, but we had it on our hearts to homeschool and for myself to stay home. God provided a way for me to stay home, yet I still kept checking into all the options of "schools" for my daughter to attend. It started out as a concern about academics, but ultimately became a decision about what was overall best for our family. We did not feel comfortable with sending her even though everyone we knew was sending their children to a traditional or at least a charter school. Once we decided that we were going to homeschool we have had peace about it. I hope you continue to have peace with your decision.





I have just been able to read all of these wonderful responses and I just have to say thank you to each & everyone of you for the great encouragement! :)


Yesterday, after making the decision, I just felt soooo much better. I began getting excited about everything again, researching any other material I may want to use with my son, etc.... It just made me so happy. :)


I still feel that way today and I know without a doubt that the right decision has been made.


I do believe that I was basing everything on this past school year and all the stress that it involved. Unfortunately, schooling my son was affected by all this happening, but we pushed through with the basics and got all our requirements in for the year. :)


Some of my family knew how hard is has been and really thought that the University Model School would be a great idea for our son. I began to feel the pressure that I needed to send him there so that I would not have another year like last year from others. I think they just knew my stress levels and thought it would really help me out. For a while, I did too.


However, now I know what we have chosen is absolutely the right thing for our family. Lots of the stresses are still there with certain situations & they won't go away anytime soon because it involves my older daughter who is eighteen. That is fine. I now have this feeling that I will be able to tackle these situations better and do a great job home-schooling our son as well.


O.K., sorry for the book I have written. I just really wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for the encouragement I have been given by each of you. Thank you!!! :)

We all have our highs and lows. That's why we come here...the people here understand the home schooling roller coaster better than most families and friends! It's a teacher's lounge, only better and without all the smoke!
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