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Speaking in Tongues, have any of you seen this?

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At a time when 31 states have passed “English Only” laws, four pioneering families put their children in public schools where, from the first day of kindergarten, their teachers speak mostly in a foreign language.


Speaking in Tongues follows four diverse kids on a journey to become bilingual. This charming story will challenge you to rethink the skills that Americans need to succeed in the 21st century.

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Ok, this thread caught my eye. I thought the English Only initiatives were about immersing non-English speaking kids in, well, English. Is that not the case?


I think it's important to be fluent in the language of the country in which you live. The complaint about kids being taught in their first lang. so they wouldn't fall behind academically came from the kids themselves. The problem is that they graduate high school but still can't speak English well. It hampers them in finding work and attending college.


As far as native English speakers, we should all be taught a foreign language in school. I do think students should have some choice as to which foreign language they learn.


In the Wash. DC area, there are immersion schools where the English speaking students learn their subjects in Spanish. The Spanish speaking students are taught in English. It takes them all a little longer to progress in their academics, at first. By the time they enter middle school, they are at least even with their peers and they speak 2 languages. I like this idea a lot.


You have to know, my father spoke no English until he entered school. He learned through immersion and speaks both languages fluently. He goes from one to the other without even thinking about it. It's pretty awesome.

Good thread. Thanks for starting it.


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