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Adult ADD

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I know exactly what you mean! I didn't even notice the talking-over-people thing until I had someone (very un-gently) point it out to me. :001_unsure:


What I hate the most is not being able to accomplish simple tasks that need to be done. like, I dunno, GRADING PAPERS. Or laundry. Or remembering to eat lunch. How does someone forget to EAT? I do it all the time, though. Usually after I made a sandwich and set it down.... somewhere.



This is both :lol::lol::lol: and :blush: because that is SOOOOO me. Oh my goodness.


Apparently, it is pretty much required that you show symptoms prior to age 7 to get an ADHD diagnosis, according to what I have been reading... not sure if that fits me, I cant remember that far back with much clarity. Not sure what to do...


Dh thinks his started around age 13 (it can "trigger" due to extreme stress or something like that). I don't think his psychiatrist ever asked what happened when he was a kid. What matters is what is happening to you NOW.

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DONE. There was no psych eval, no test, no form to fill out. Just the regular family doctor and my dh's self-dx. Oh wait! My dh took an online test with a bunch of questions to see if he had ADHD and the test results for the free online test basically said, "Egads, man! Of course you have ADHD! How could you think otherwise? Get thee some help!"


I think my dh mentioned the online test to the doc, too.


This cracks me up and scares me at the same time. When I was diagnosed, it was after weeks of seeing a psychologist who sent me to a psychiatrist who then interviewed me for an hour and then had me take a couple of tests to determine my attention span.


I clearly remember one of them was a special machine that just showed random letters. Every time the letter "X" came up, I was supposed to hit a button. I was all super competitive with it like "I AM GOING TO WIN THIS GAME LIKE IT HAS NEVER BEEN WON BEFORE!!"... for about 30 seconds. Then I started reading the posters on his walls.


I also remember my parents complaining about how expensive it was to see him. I think that's part of the reason why I haven't gone out to get re-diagnosed and a prescription written. Part of me would LOVE to know who your doc is so I could avoid all that boring testing stuff again!

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This cracks me up and scares me at the same time.



You've exactly nailed how I feel about dh's doc! In the adhd case, it worked out for dh--because he got what he wanted w/o a lot of hoopla.


But dh also has problems with headaches and a whole long list of aches, and I wish his doc was better about trying to get to the root of the issue. But dh is happy with his doc and won't see anyone else.

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I was dx'd with "severe ADD" (severe? really?) a couple years ago, so I was 41. I've been on 54mg Concerta ever since, which helps somewhat. *My* problem is that I live in a little house with 3 little people and too much stuff, and when the stuff gets all cluttery, I just...sort of shut down. I can't figure out where to start. It feels overwhelming. When I try to "organize", I just separate everything into more piles. Then I forget what the piles are, and then they get moved/mixed with other stuff/scattered/etc., and I have to start all over again. I know the organizing experts say that everything should have a place, but even when I do make a place for something....I usually forget the next time I need to know it. I have several "places" for staples, for example, and even then, I can't count on remembering where they are when I need them.


I was dx'd by a psychiatrist after a 2-hour interview. Previously (~6 years ago), a psychologist I'd seen gave me a short survey, with most of the questions asking about my childhood. Based on those questions, the psych said I didn't have ADD; the questions from the psychiatrist were mostly about my adult life.


(I scored a 78 on the survey someone linked to earlier in this thread.)

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