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HELP-I had found a site with lots of free notebooking pages and lost it!


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It had all different types of notebook pages-different size boxes for pictures and text, etc.


I think it may have had some specific to history but I'm not sure about that.


It was good for older kids-I was going to have dd11 use it with MOH2 and 3 rather than making memory cards for each topic.

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WOW thanks those MOH ones are great but unfortunately they are only a few for MOH2 and 3. Rats, that would have been PERFECT!


The GuestHollow ones are good for generic-thanks, and I guess I'll have to just use the Donna Young ones too.


I wish I had more specific ones!

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Thanks, Quiv-I WISH I could use Daisy's; alas, I am doing MOH 2 and 3 in Biblioplan order so it wouldn't work out to use hers.


Although at this point I am considering using them and just cutting them out (each topic as a section) and having her write them in the order we do them and glue them on another page in our order!

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Found this EXCELLENT one and I'm posting in hopes it will help someone else too:



Scroll up or down once you get there; it's specific to Mid Ages/Ren/Ref but if you go to the home page there is Ancients, etc., too.

This is fantasitc! I would love to see something like that for year 3!!! OMG!!!!:drool5:

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It had all different types of notebook pages-different size boxes for pictures and text, etc.


I think it may have had some specific to history but I'm not sure about that.


It was good for older kids-I was going to have dd11 use it with MOH2 and 3 rather than making memory cards for each topic.


I once found a nice page with directions for making notebooking pages using your word processing program. The nice thing was that you could save your work as a base file before dressing it up with clipart. Then when you needed something for some unusual topic or time period, it was just a matter of finding a piece of clipart (or even leaving it blank), rather than searching for more notebooking pages.


My computer's acting up, but I think I just searched for "how to make notebooking pages".

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