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SOTW1 in 2 days per week...share :)


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My plan is to do SOTW1 this year, twice per week. I want to make sure this is doable? I don't want history to encompass everything this year, we will do 2 days history and 2 days science. Can we get through the book this way? How do you work narrations and projects and reading? I'm hoping they can do the coloring pages or something while we listen to the mp3's for each chapter. I'd like to do more history narrations vs WWE3 for DS this year, so writing will be less separate for him (you know, the way it's supposed to be. :lol:) Thanks!!

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I was planning on 2 days but now I think we'll just do one. I'll read or we'll listen to the CDs of the chapter, while they color. Then I ask narration questions followed by a project(simple) and any other little coordinating books will be in free time or a bit while doing History. I'm allotting 1 hr time period. We have already started and are on the 3 or 4th chapter- I cannot remember as there was the intro. Anyway, it has been fine thus far and accomplishes what I want- an intro to history and the idea that it is fun. I want it only 1 day so we can have Science for 2 and Nature for 1 day as well.

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We do one section per day, 3 days a week - read, leading questions, narrate. On day 1 of the chapter, DS reads Usborne that corresponds. That's independent and doesn't take long. On the last day, we do mapwork. We really don't do a lot of projects, but sometimes we'll do one at the end.


I get library books and put them in a book basket. He can read them on his own at will. I don't assign them at this point and really don't have to, since he LOVES history thanks to SOTW! He usually starts reading them on the way home from the library. :D So he just reads those books whenever he wants throughout the week. I don't count that in as our "history time".


Some chapters have 2 or 3 sections, a few have 1 or 4. So you'll probably average a chapter per week, give or take. If you don't school year round, you might want to double up or skip a few to get them into 36 weeks. We started in January of first grade and will finish early October of 2nd grade. Not a big deal for us. I think by time we finish SOTW3, we'll be "on schedule", since we school year round.

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I have a once a week schedule I can type up really quick. You can modify and do projects or extra books on day two for you.

We listen to the CD while they color the map and coloring pages. I stop the cd periodically to ask narrations from them. Then we stick a timeline figure up on the wall.

We are doing very few of the projects from SOTW1 bc we're doing more projects from American history and science instead. We start this monday, July 25th.



wk2-ch. 1

wk3-ch 2

wk4-ch 3&4

wk5-ch 5&6

wk6-ch 7&8

wk7-ch 9

wk8-ch 10

wk9-ch 11 -anansi the spider (it falls around halloween/I'm taking Sept off to have a baby)




wk13-ch 15 -colored glass

wk14-ch 16

wk15-ch 17

wk16-ch 18 -volcano

wk17-ch 19

wk18-ch 20



wk21-ch23&24- Olympus family tree

wk22- ch 25

wk23-ch 26

wk24-ch 27

wk25-ch 28-roman chariots

wk26-ch 29

wk27-ch. 30

wk28- ch 31

wk29- ch 32

wk30 - ch33

wk31-ch 34

wk32-ch 35-coin mint

wk33-ch 36,37, 38

wk34-ch. 39


wk36-ch 41, 42

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We are only 16 chapters in but I think you could do a chapter over two days if you really wanted to. The first day you can read the chapter, do the review questions and narration orally and do the mapwork and coloring page. The second day you could read one or two of the supplemental reading books and do one or two of the projects or activities. If you decide to add on a third day here and there to do more reading or projects, you can always do that as needed.


ETA: or did you mean getting through two chapters every week, a chapter a day? If so, I would not want to do that.

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Thanks. Yes, I was thinking more along the lines of approximately one chapter per week. I haven't started so the amount of time needed to do things is what I really don't know. Is an hour, two days a week ample? I don't want to do every project, but perhaps one per chapter, we'll see. I'm just trying to simplify and add some variety (by not doing history daily, and trying to get science in more often.)

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