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Another one - do you say "mis-CHEE-vee-us" for mischievous?

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My husband says, "mischeeeeeevious," especially emphasizing saying it incorrectly on purpose. I think that was how they said it on the old Batman t.v. shows.


He also likes to say, "Zebbra" with a short e for zebra, vitamins with a short i, and other British pronunciations just to be silly. I think that comes from his dad.


My mom grew up in Ohio and always says "warsh" instead of wash. I can take the mischeeeeevious, zebbra, vittamins, and most else like that, but warsh and Warshington, D.C. just get me like somebody scraping the blackboard with his fingernails.


I do those same things. :lol: But "warsh" drives me batty. I'm from Southern OH and never heard "warsh" until I moved to IL. That and "sack" instead of "bag" unless talking about potato sacks. I will say that I do pronounce "bag" with a long A sound and it drives dh insane. I try to do the short A, but it's a hard thing to break.

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What country do people pronounce bi as bee: beepedal, beepolar, beecycle? I have never heard of such a pronunciation.


Pretty sure all countries that are not English-speaking.


Are there any non-English languages that pronounce that prefix bye?

Edited by matroyshka
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Yea, the victuals/vittles thing is weird, but I guess we're used to Wednesday being "winsday" and colonel being "kernel."


I work in an old-timey shop and we sell sarsaparilla soda. You never say the r (actually if you look it up, saying the /r/ is part of the second pronunciation). We just say "Sas puh rill uh." That works.


And it tastes good too.


Never had the soda but did have the tea. Like warm, non carbonated rootbeer. Mmmmm...

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