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AAS is new to me... bye bye SWO!

Nikki -TX-

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All About Spelling, I need you. I feel like a human dictionary!


I've recently researched AAS and think it's just what we need. I'm looking to find *that program* for spelling, the one to stick with; similar to my relationship with RightStart Math. :001_smile: My dd reads fine, ds reads very well and both have sailed through Spelling Workout since 1st grade, but need serious help with spelling.


I hope to start with AAS level 1 for the best foundation. But being late starters, will we fly through and need level 2 right away? Is AAS easy to use/as good as it seems/working for you?

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I just moved to AAS too... and am in love... SWR was just to steep of a learning curve for me, I couldn't get it to work for us. Yes it is as easy to use as I was hoping for... it's totally open and go and follows a natural script for me... love it!

Anyhow my DD is almost 7 and really flying through level 1.. but then like I said we'd been loosely using SWR so she was used to the methods and she seems to just get spelling (well at least at this level), I'm guessing we'll get through 1 and 2 this year... for struggling spellers it may take a while longer, but my guess is that it wouldn't take a whole year

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Last year, my 6 year old did level 1 in 3 weeks. Level 2 took a couple months. We're halfway through level 3 now, and I think we've spent a couple months on it so far, so I think it will end up bring roughly a semester.


Definitely get both 1 and 2 to start. We really like it here, but it was very easy until we got to level 3. Now he is actually having to think some.


There were things in levels 1 and 2 that neither of us knew, so it was worth us going through them. You might be able to start in level 2, actually. Check the website for placement info. Level 1 is reviewed in level 2 step 1, and it has the key cards for level 1.


I too had tried other programs, then finally came to AAS, which is great for us. The TM is so helpful to me, as I don't remember phonics rules anymore.

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Your kids probably will fly through level 1. My 7 year old has nearly finished it and has been working on it for less than a month. I'm using it in combination with WRTR (Spalding by itself didn't have enough detailed plans for me), and it seems to be working.

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Honestly we were SO happy to have found AAS! Not only do I learn from it and enjoy it, the kids do too!


I too started off with level 1 and although my dd8 FLEW through it..the rules you learn from it are WONDERFUL and has made her spelling in level 2 go very smooth. We're hoping to be popping into level 3 almost anyday now.


I'm a huge believer in AAS! My dd8's spelling has gotten so GOOD since using AAS. To my shock my dd6 has begun to read MUCH better since we started AAS! She was resistant to most reading programs, took to OPGTR fine and loved AAS...within a couple days she was reading books she was struggling with big time before AAS. It's been a REWARDING experience for our family. :D

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I have learned so much with AAS. Its really improved my scrabble game.


I hate implementing it. I find it tiresome and annoying and the tiles absolutely infuriate me (they fall off the wall and into my vent ;) ) This is a personal issue. Aside from that stuff the program is fantastic.

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I have been very pleased since switching from SWO at the end of 2nd grade to AAS. We are moving relatively slowly through AAS and now at the start of 4th are only in Level 3. I review words a lot and do all the additional words. We do 15 min a day on spelling. It's made a huge difference to my son's reading. No more wild guessing (thanks kindergarten whole language :glare:).


I would get level 1 and 2 to start with. It's a great program.

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I just moved to AAS too... and am in love... SWR was just to steep of a learning curve for me, I couldn't get it to work for us. Yes it is as easy to use as I was hoping for... it's totally open and go and follows a natural script for me... love it!


I considered SWR- their website is so informative, especially describes trouble my kids are having- but reviews warned the learning time required (by me) and I just don't have it. Glad AAS is working for you!

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Last year, my 6 year old did level 1 in 3 weeks. Level 2 took a couple months. We're halfway through level 3 now, and I think we've spent a couple months on it so far, so I think it will end up bring roughly a semester.


Definitely get both 1 and 2 to start. We really like it here, but it was very easy until we got to level 3. Now he is actually having to think some.


There were things in levels 1 and 2 that neither of us knew, so it was worth us going through them. You might be able to start in level 2, actually. Check the website for placement info. Level 1 is reviewed in level 2 step 1, and it has the key cards for level 1.


I too had tried other programs, then finally came to AAS, which is great for us. The TM is so helpful to me, as I don't remember phonics rules anymore.


I'm ready for this program because can't remember phonics rules either! Sound like you guys flew through level 1. Thanks for sharing what it's like for you.

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@Aurelia & Dana- thank you for the advice. I'll also get Level 2.


@mamaofblessings- I hope we have as much fun/success as you're having! I'm ready...


@calandalsmom- good to know I'll possibly get better at Scrabble! (It's my fav. game.) Thanks for your honesty about the annoyances, too. Every program has them, don't they?!

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I started my kids at 9 & 11, and they went through Level 1 in about 3 weeks. They just needed to fill in gaps, but it was important work for us. L2 took my oldest 4 months & youngest 7 months. I have a description & some pics on my blog. Have fun! Merry :-)


Your blog shows so much! Thanks for sharing that. It looks like we'll have fun with it, too. I cannot wait! (I don't think I've ever looked forward to a program like this before.)


Really, I know my kids will be fine. I know the process takes time. I was a natural speller and expected my kids to be too I guess. SWO has rules ("Tips") taught through each lesson, but don't cover the phonics rules in the way I've seen in AAS. (My dc don't have a memory bank to work from, although at spelling test time, they usually get all the words right!)


I just realized something... While I'd been teaching RightStart Math because it teaches them the *how* (through games/abacus/mental practice, not memorization), I've been not teaching the tools they need to know the *how* of spelling. I'm tired of telling them how the English language is "just like that" or "complicated" or "doesn't go by this rule the book just taught you". I'm ready for us all to see the light!! :)

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My DD5 was at Lesson 200 in OPGTR when we started AAS1. It took her 6 weeks. We are 1/2 way through AAS2 after 5 weeks. It is worth going through the beginning even though most went quickly. The parts she got stuck on I would have been stuck on too, as far as explaining spelling rules. I have no idea how to plan for this though I assume we will slow down soon. However, it was worth starting at the beginning for the solid foundation.

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