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My K'er is doing Saxon 1 now, but we kinda skip around b/c there are some concepts she's not quite ready for. I'm wanting to do a switch to MUS for 1st for her,and I'm wondering if she should start in the Primer or go to alpha? She understands math well and I didn't want to hang in primer if she can do more. KWIM?

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I believe there is a placement test on the MUS website. However, being that she is doing Saxon 1 now, I would imagine she would not "need" primer. You would need to spend some time learning the blocks though. I can't remember if all that info is in the Alpha book. I would think so. From what I remember, Primer was basically learning numbers.

Go for Alpha.

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I believe there is a placement test on the MUS website. However, being that she is doing Saxon 1 now, I would imagine she would not "need" primer. You would need to spend some time learning the blocks though. I can't remember if all that info is in the Alpha book. I would think so. From what I remember, Primer was basically learning numbers.

Go for Alpha.


Is alpha on a certain grade level? We just switched to MUS for my ds12, but we did the placement test and he placed in Delta. He's zooming through it so we're moving on to Epsilon now. I didn't know if MUS goes by grade level or if you just follow through starting at Alpha. Thanks so much!

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I would start with Alpha. I guess the placement test is the best way to decide, but if she has done some of Saxon 1, she will be ready for Alpha for first grade. Technically, MUS does not assign "grade levels" to their courses. Some start Alpha in first grade. I didn't start my oldest son in Alpha until second grade. And, as you have learned with your son, sometimes when students switch from another program to MUS, they will need to start at a level that you would think is below their grade level... but, it's not really a grade level, it's a skill level. I guess it would go both ways, and sometimes a child would place "above" the grade level that they have been working at. MUS is deep... but not wide. The child will concentrate on less variety of topics (less than most other math programs), but will cover them thoroughly. But, it is wider than it has a reputation for. It doesn't teach just one concept for a whole year. It focuses on one concept but other things are covered, too. And, eventually, everything is covered - and, to mastery.


My five year old son is using Primer now. I really like it, and he does, too. But, if he had started MUS in first grade (rather than K), I would have started him in Alpha. I placed my older son is Alpha when he began second grade because I wanted him to have a quicker recall of the basic facts. He has an excellent memory but we had not used a curriculum that was conducive to memorization... it seemed more hit or miss. MUS is so logical. It is orderly and systematic in presentation. That's why I decided to try it and that's what will keep us using it.

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There is no "grade" level. They are levels of mastery. When coming into the program after already doing math with another program, they do not usually start with Alpha. THat is why they have a placement test on their website.

For starting a young one, using Saxon 1, I would most likely not skip anything other than Primer. It really is optional. Alpha starts the program.

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Alpha is the same as Primer, but more of it. Primer is more intro to #'s. no tests, no mastery expected. It's more for PreK if you are planning to do MUS. It only helps in that they come into Alpha knowing the color blocks=what # already. But Alpha has a lesson for that.....


If your child knows 1-20 go with Alpha.

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Alpha does not assume prior completion of Primer. Everything in Primer is covered again in Alpha, except that telling time is in the appendix and not a chapter in Alpha like it is in Primer. I did Primer with my girls last year (5 y.o. at the time) and we are using Alpha this year.

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Like others have said, I would start your daughter with Alpha because it is truly the start of the program and re-covers the topics of Primer just now to the point of not moving forward until they are mastered. The first chapter of Alpha deals with place value and learning of the unit, ten, hundred blocks. This is important because mathusee uses the block system. Chapter 2 deals with counting/writing the numbers 0 to 20. Chapter 3 deals with the blocks again but this time the focus is on the unit blocks and their colors and the like. Each chapter in the student workbook covers the new topic (pages A-C with D-F being new + old).


My dd started in Primer last year and when she finished we moved into Alpha and we plan to start our son on Primer in September as a Pre-K math program.


On a somewhat different note if you buy both sets of blocks, I have found that a fishing tackle box from Wal-Mart does a wondrous job holding them. :)


Hope that helps!

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