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Don't you just hate it when you say something...

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If it helps to know this' date=' I'd quote all your posts, and add lots these guys :lol:, on the forum game thread, but I'm always afraid to reply too much as I have a tendency to kill unsuspecting threads. :tongue_smilie:


You have a great sense of humor!!! :)[/quote']


You can come over and kill my threads anytime!!! :D I love your posts!

Just remember - you only kill the thread when you are the one with the absolute, most intelligent post of the entire thread, and no one dares compete! ;)

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You know, Lucinda, I can! And you have a very special way of sharing it! I LOVE being here! :001_smile:


It's also a great place for a laugh, a tear, a prayer, a new way of seeing things.


Why thank you! That's a great compliment. :001_smile:


I love being here too! I could not homeschool successfully without this forum.




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Just remember - you only kill the thread when you are the one with the absolute, most intelligent post of the entire thread, and no one dares compete! ;)


I LIKE this way of thinking! If we always remember to look at it this way, we'd never feel like a loser threadkiller ever, ever again!




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Seeeee!!! I knew someone would finally recognize my genius someday! Others may say those common words, but there is a special way that I type them that makes all the difference! ;)


Thanks Maverick_Mom for seeing that difference! :D




ETA: You are so funny!!! It really made me ROFL when I saw your post!!!! YOU are the witty genius! I am the lowly wanna-be! :)



Thank you, but ... I used to joke that I had killed so many threads, there was a picture of me on the Most Wanted list at the Post Office. :D

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really intelligent, or really funny, or really clever on these boards and no one quotes you? What's up with that?!? ;)



I can never figure out why everyone else does not recognize how insightful or witty my comment was! I eagerly look back at the threads where I posted, and no one has quoted me yet? How can they miss my brilliance? :lol:



It's taken me 30+ hours to muster up the confidence to reply to this thread (since you posted yesterday morning), because I don't feel worthy... My posts...just...pale in comparison to yours. They lack that certain "je ne sais quoi" that you so effortlessly bring to these boards.


I finally overcame my trepidation and decided to join in the throngs of posters confirming your brilliance and sheer genius.


Thank you for being here. Truly.


/sarc :D


P.S.: I do enjoy your posts immensely. :)

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really intelligent, or really funny, or really clever on these boards and no one quotes you? What's up with that?!? ;)



I can never figure out why everyone else does not recognize how insightful or witty my comment was! I eagerly look back at the threads where I posted, and no one has quoted me yet? How can they miss my brilliance? :lol:




Love it! Thanks for the laugh!! :lol::001_smile::D

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"je ne sais quoi"




Oh my! Now I'm intimidated! What does that mean???? Wow! French!? Right? You are so smart and clever, putting French into your post! How could I ever compete????


I am so unworthy! :svengo:



Not to mention, your English wording in your post is so eloquent! Wow! :D










(Seriously - what does that mean? After all, I wouldn't want my French-ignorance to stand in the way of me understanding a compliment! ;))

Edited by lovelaughs_times_three
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(Seriously - what does that mean? After all, I wouldn't want my French-ignorance to stand in the way of me understanding a compliment! ;))


LOL... "Je ne sais quoi" = "I don't know what". It's when a quality is so indescribable (much like your message board brilliance) that words fail.


I'd like to note that I've now quoted you a few times (thanks for the "return quote"!). I feel validated, and hope that you do too. :D

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