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I feel my "philosophy" shifting... (what's happening to me?)


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Oh, you are not so bad, Tracy. When my husband and I were on our HONEYMOON, :001_wub: we went to Lancaster (PA) for a few days (we were on a very tight budget in those days). Anyway, we're driving along by a field of soybeans and he says, "Oh, look, Honey! Corn!"


Me: Those are soybeans.

Him: Oh. Soybeans?

Me: Yes. SOY-BEANS. Soybeans.


A few miles down the road we pass a field of corn...


Him: "Oh, look, Honey! Soybeans!" :coolgleamA: (and he's looking like "Yeah, I'm so cool.")


Me: That's corn. :glare:


So much for being merciful. I did not marry a farmer, that's for sure. :D



:lol::lol: I can really see someone not recognizing soybeans. But corn? Please tell me you were married in June when the corn was still short.:D


My Dh would NOT have been merciful if I didn't recognize soybeans. They are our bread and butter. He has been known to drive us miles out of our way to tally how many quarters are planted to soybeans. And he takes it personally when a farmer decides to plant corn instead of soybeans. Yep, I'm good with crops. And I can identify at least six kinds of flowers.:001_huh:

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