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Ds broke his ankle and I have a medical question

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Ds broke his distal medial mareol . . . (something or other). The doctor said it was a "minimal fracture." We see the ortho tomorrow. In the meantime can anyone tell me what the minimal fracture part means? (I forgot to ask and google isn't helping me much!)


He's particularly upset because he has to miss baseball tonight. Pray that this won't keep him out for the rest of the season!!!

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I am not sure but my dd 11 broke a bone in her toe and also a crack in her growth plate in her ankle. She was put in a cast for five weeks but could walk on it once it didn't hurt to walk. SHe started about a week and ahalf after she borke it but still used crutches part of the time for most of the five weeks. She then has another five weeks of no sports or biking except things like swimming.

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Ds broke his distal medial mareol . . . (something or other). The doctor said it was a "minimal fracture." We see the ortho tomorrow. In the meantime can anyone tell me what the minimal fracture part means? (I forgot to ask and google isn't helping me much!)


He's particularly upset because he has to miss baseball tonight. Pray that this won't keep him out for the rest of the season!!!


Distal means further away from the body, medial means it's on the inside of the ankle (ouch), and the Maleolus is that ball on your inner ankle.


I'm not entirely sure what they mean by minimal fracture, but I would guesss it means something about the depth of the fracture, or length. I simply don't know what qualifies as minimal.


I'm so sorry for your son! That stinks. How old is he?

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I'm a pediatrician but I'm not sure what he meant by "minimal fracture". It's not a term we would use. In kids we typicall grade fractures on a scale of 1-5 depending on growth plate involvment. I would guess that it's on the lower end of the scale. Kids are more likely to fracture a bone with the same kind of injury that an adult would have a sprain. They often have small fractures (no displacement of the bone) that are important to treat because of potential growth plate issues.


Not sure how much that helps. Bottom line...it's a non-medical term to say "it's not that bad but he'll need to see Ortho and likely have some kind of cast."

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I am not sure but my dd 11 broke a bone in her toe and also a crack in her growth plate in her ankle. She was put in a cast for five weeks but could walk on it once it didn't hurt to walk. SHe started about a week and ahalf after she borke it but still used crutches part of the time for most of the five weeks. She then has another five weeks of no sports or biking except things like swimming.


Thanks! Unfortunately it sounds like ds will be out for the season then. Ugh.


Distal means further away from the body, medial means it's on the inside of the ankle (ouch), and the Maleolus is that ball on your inner ankle.


I'm not entirely sure what they mean by minimal fracture, but I would guesss it means something about the depth of the fracture, or length. I simply don't know what qualifies as minimal.


I'm so sorry for your son! That stinks. How old is he?


Ds is the 12 yo. I'm praying that the word minimal means "not serious" or "not requiring surgery!"


I'm a pediatrician but I'm not sure what he meant by "minimal fracture". It's not a term we would use. In kids we typicall grade fractures on a scale of 1-5 depending on growth plate involvment. I would guess that it's on the lower end of the scale. Kids are more likely to fracture a bone with the same kind of injury that an adult would have a sprain. They often have small fractures (no displacement of the bone) that are important to treat because of potential growth plate issues.


Not sure how much that helps. Bottom line...it's a non-medical term to say "it's not that bad but he'll need to see Ortho and likely have some kind of cast."


So, that explains why Google didn't help! Thank you. I guess I have to wait until tomorrow to find out the extent of the damage.

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