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Geography questions

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We will be in a Co-op next year studying geography with 8-11 grade students (plus a 4th and 5th grader). Mapping the World by Heart has been recommended. I am not familiar with it and would like to hear what you have liked, not liked and why? What would you recommend?

Thanks for any help!

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I used MTWBH at home with my oldest three a few years ago. They were then 11, 12 and 14. MTWBH provides a framework, but the details of studying geography have to be filled in by the teacher. There are really no lesson plans. It's a "name and place" type geography. We added in lots of books, games and workbooks to round out their geography studies.


I really, really like the maps that the students end up producing with MTWBH. Essentially, after studying each continent in turn throughout the year, the students will take 2 - 3 weeks to map out the world from memory. The students can study in the evening, but must then draw from memory as much as they can -- outlines of countries, names, capitals, physical landmarks. I think going the extra mile of committing all of that to memory really helped my global dd with the details; my boys were already there but they have wonderful maps to show their hard work.


HTH --


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I had such high hopes for Mapping..Heart, but heard only negative things, ie, not worth the $.

Have you looked at Runkles? It's physical geography, with a lot of neat hands-on activities in the text, which can be done or not. It also comes with a book of maps and blanks to aid in memorizing the countries of the world. We used it in 10th, and gave .5 credit for it.

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Is there a geography curriculum that would be more complete?


missed this question


Have you looked at Runkles? It's physical geography, with a lot of neat hands-on activities in the text, which can be done or not. It also comes with a book of maps and blanks to aid in memorizing the countries of the world. We used it in 10th, and gave .5 credit for it.


AHA! Yes, I have Runkles, and yes I've used it, and yes, I liked it, but I had a really hard time teaching the countries with it.


That said, I had a schedule done for it, and contacted Mrs. Runkle to see if I could get permission to post it on my blog. . .


Not only did she give me permission, she also gave me her syllabus to use should I wish to include it.


The new and improved schedule is up on my blog, and you learn the countries through that. Maybe it could work with MtWBH? (I've been meaning to give it a better look over to see if it will, just haven't made the time.)

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AHA! Yes, I have Runkles, and yes I've used it, and yes, I liked it, but I had a really hard time teaching the countries with it.


That said, I had a schedule done for it, and contacted Mrs. Runkle to see if I could get permission to post it on my blog. . .


Not only did she give me permission, she also gave me her syllabus to use should I wish to include it.


The new and improved schedule is up on my blog, and you learn the countries through that. Maybe it could work with MtWBH? (I've been meaning to give it a better look over to see if it will, just haven't made the time.)

Christine, I'd be VERY interested in this if you find out it works for MTWBH!


I just got back from your blog and schedules....BLESS YOU! :D I printed out the schedules for Lightning Lit 7 & 8, since that's what we're doing next year! WOOHOO! Thanks!

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What are you looking for in a geography program? I'm using Around the World in 180 days next year with my 9th grader. It looks great to me. I've already started the lesson plans. Also, it's designed for multi-age teaching, so mught be just right for your co-op.

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I just got back from your blog and schedules....BLESS YOU! :D I printed out the schedules for Lightning Lit 7 & 8, since that's what we're doing next year! WOOHOO! Thanks!


You're more than welcome. Hope they work for you.


Christine, I'd be VERY interested in this if you find out it works for MTWBH!


(insert "wry smilie" here). . .Methinks I just wound up giving myself a "homework assignment"! ;)

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There really isn't one geography program I've hit on that I like. Runkles is very good and I have it. But it's more physical geography, more of an earth science and I wanted cartography-type geography. I did end up using the Runkle Student Guide to help my dc map out and learn the various regions by continent.


Here is how I used MTWBH:

(I'm doing this from memory; I've loaned out my copy of MTWBH and don't have it ready for reference. :tongue_smilie:)


*Had students draw a map of the world by heart without consulting any resource. This is to establish a baseline of their knowledge and ends up making a great comparison to their final maps. They will be so proud of all they have learned compared to where they started!


*Used the introduction lesson w/ an orange to discuss map projections and their shortfalls.


*Completed the first lessons on contour maps and elevation (I *think* this was in MTWBH and they were excellent lessons).


*Started going continent by continent to learn countries, capitals and physical landmarks.


Day 1, 2 & 3: gave a blank outline map of continent to the student with a list of countries, capitals and physical landmarks. Student used atlases or globe to fill in their map.


Days 4 and on: played games, read books, ate food, researched the countries in the continent. If I was doing this in a group, I would have a child research and present on one or two particular countries and culminate each region/continent with a celebration of food, clothing and customs particular to those countries.


*Tested on that continent using a blank map. Student had to know the entire list of countries and physical landmarks by memory. (You can decide whether to add in capitals. It's a lot of information!)


*After going through each continent, used the last two or three weeks drawing the maps by heart. This is where MTWBH does finally have some helpful details. MTWBH will tell you exactly how the student should draw the lines of latitude and longitude and then proceed to map in the countries and finish with decorative flourishes like a compass.


Whew! Probably way more info than you wanted! I loved, loved, loved our year of geography and plan to do it at least two more times with my younger dc. It was well worth pulling together various resources.





ETA: I'd be happy to share some of the games and books we used if you like. They are buried right now as I'm waiting for paint to dry on my new bookshelves.

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ETA: I'd be happy to share some of the games and books we used if you like. They are buried right now as I'm waiting for paint to dry on my new bookshelves.





Thanks so much for your plan. I really appreciate your sharing it.


I just spent two days our anual state conference looking for geography ideas. What I think I have decided is to use MTWBH as the spine and use Trail Guide to World Geography and The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide to fill in as needed. We will also be reading Around the World in 80 Days. I like having a plan and this is one I think I can do! If the children can really learn to map the world by heart, I will be thrilled. :hurray:


That would be great to see what games and books you used. I appreciate all help!

New bookshelves? How wonderful.

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The new and improved schedule is up on my blog, and you learn the countries through that. Maybe it could work with MtWBH? (I've been meaning to give it a better look over to see if it will, just haven't made the time.)




I have been wanting to tell you how much I have enjoyed your Core Foundations! I forgot to mark it as a Favorite and couldn't get back to it. Now I can! And I have marked it as a Favorite. I may try your blank schedule sheet and see if I can schedule MTWBH. I'll let you know if I succeed in figuring it out.

Thanks for your imput!

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Christine, I'd be VERY interested in this if you find out it works for MTWBH!


I pulled out my MtWbH book last night, to start looking through it; I think it could be done, but I think you would "tack on" some time. I believe you could add the "appetizers" throughout the Runkle sched. (at appropriate times); and possibly add to the mapwork throughout the year. But the "dessert" you would most likely want to wait and tack on at the end. That's after a quick-look through, though. . .




I have been wanting to tell you how much I have enjoyed your Core Foundations! I forgot to mark it as a Favorite and couldn't get back to it. Now I can! And I have marked it as a Favorite. I may try your blank schedule sheet and see if I can schedule MTWBH. I'll let you know if I succeed in figuring it out.

Thanks for your imput!


I would love to see it!


Oh wait. . .I think, I might have MtWbH schedule, by itself. . .looking. . ..


my computer is being terribly slow


Yes, I have an "outline" written (wrote it quite some time ago, so it's not up to my current "schedule" standards). It's too large to attach here. . .

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What are you looking for in a geography program? I'm using Around the World in 180 days next year with my 9th grader. It looks great to me. I've already started the lesson plans. Also, it's designed for multi-age teaching, so mught be just right for your co-op.


Would love to see what you are doing! I think we are going to use the MTWBH, but we are planning on reading Around the World in 80 Days also. This will be my first time teaching geography, so I am open to see what will work best for our group.


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Would love to see what you are doing! I think we are going to use the MTWBH, but we are planning on reading Around the World in 80 Days also. This will be my first time teaching geography, so I am open to see what will work best for our group.


Trail Guide to World History uuses the "Around the World in 180 Days" book. I haven't looked through it to see how yet though, but it DOES have some lesson plans for it.


I pulled out my MtWbH book last night, to start looking through it; I think it could be done, but I think you would "tack on" some time. I believe you could add the "appetizers" throughout the Runkle sched. (at appropriate times); and possibly add to the mapwork throughout the year. But the "dessert" you would most likely want to wait and tack on at the end. That's after a quick-look through, though. . .
I feel silly, but I'm not sure I undertand this. I already am getting the MTWBH, so what are the appetizers and dessert?:001_huh:
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I feel silly, but I'm not sure I undertand this. I already am getting the MTWBH, so what are the appetizers and dessert?:001_huh:


;) I apologize. I don't know if it's changed, as I have a really old version of MtWbH, but it was originally set up with a "menu" style. (I suppose to make it more "doable" for those in various circumstances.)


So, you have the "appetizers", which give you an overview of maps (explanations / lessons of the various types, contour maps, etc.)


Then you have the "entres", which is a map study of each continent.


Finally, you have "dessert". And that's the actual part where you do the mapping of the world (by heart). He spends, I think, ~15 hours of class time allowing the kids to do their maps. They are allowed to study at home, but during class time, they aren't allowed to use anything except their memory.


Based on what I looked at (quickly, mind you, as I do have company) you could mesh MtWbH with Runkle's Geography. . .


The one problem I see with MtWbH by itself, is that it doesn't necessarily go into enough "geography" -- focusing more on map work. This is the one flaw I find true in both the Trail Guides series (world and US) and the Around the World book, as well. (I do have all of them, cuz I'm a curriculum junkie and can't seem to find the "perfect" something.)


Each of them have little "bennies" (benefits) though, and for a co-op setting that may tilt the scale one way or the other.


Around the World does a "country study". Not only do you learn the mapwork, but you also get the history / religion / and culture aspects.


The Trail Guides have the map work, research ideas, and more hands-on projects.


As far as I know, and I could be wrong as I haven't fully studied the other books in my possession, Runkle's is the only one that really gives instruction on "geography". . . but, by itself it does very little mapwork. (If you see my schedule, for her classes, Mrs. Runkle made up for this by adding that on seperate from her book. Yet all she added in her coursework were countries, I had to add "water" for my own benefit.)


Of course, this is all my opinion, you will really have to decide what to do based on your goals. . .

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Thankyou Christine! I ordered the MTWBH book but haven't received it yet, hence the confusion with the terms! :)


I am using Trail Guides with the MTWBH. Not sure how it will go. By this time next year I may be back asking more questions! :D

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You ladies are getting me excited about teaching this next year, and I wasn't even thinking about it til this thread!! I would love your games and book list, Lisa! I'm thinking it would be easier to do at home than in a weekly co-op class tho. Too much info for once a week... Thank you all for sharing!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thankyou Christine! I ordered the MTWBH book but haven't received it yet, hence the confusion with the terms! :)


I am using Trail Guides with the MTWBH. Not sure how it will go. By this time next year I may be back asking more questions! :D



I am going to be using MTWBH with Trail Guides next year also! Are you doing it on your own or in a Co-Op? We will be doing it with a Co-Op.

Would love to share ideas of what is working and not!


I have started working on a schedule, but don't have it done yet. I am not nearly as efficient as Christine! But I'll share it with you when I am done, if you like.

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