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X-Post Does anybody here use natural remedies for ADHD

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You can find some different labels at your local Whole Foods Market. I used one called Calm Child. (we tried it but I really didn't see any benefit) It was recommended to me by a naturopath-in-training. Dd doesn't have ADD or ADHD. She has SPD and is extremely hyper! If you haven't already tried getting rid of sugar and dyes, I'd try it. It's easier to do than I thought and has made a tremendous difference. I don't have time to look up the link right now but there was finally a definitive study published that sugar and dyes are more likely to cause adverse affects in kids with ADD and ADHD. All I can say is, I didn't need a study to prove it to me...seeing in my child what good it did to take it out was enough.


eta: we do not allow sugar substitutes either. check out a book called Little Sugar Addicts to see what kind of processing sugar and sugar subs go through in the body and what the ultimate effect is. I'm not a health nut, believe me, (I drink Pepsi everyday!) but this was eye opening!

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with their child? If so, what are you using?

Yep. We use a combination of diet and supplements to keep our ds off meds.


For us, the causes were:


Food/chemical intolerances -- gluten (in wheat/barley/oats), dairy, colors and preservatives cause my son to be WILD. When we simplified his diet (whole foods, little or no processed foods, no wheat/dairy), he calmed down.


Not enough zinc, magnesium, calcium or fatty acids -- when we added those four vitamins/nutrients, we saw additional calming (and his reading and math levels at school increased).


This isn't as simple as taking a single pill, but it has few or no side effects. We had to do a bit of trial-and-error, but it has been worth the effort.


If you'd like more specific information, please email me. We've had a lot of success with "alternative" treatment of hyperactivity. For the past 2.5 years, he has been 100% med-free, but he's calmer than he was on medicines.





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