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MCT, how much time do you spend with this program?

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If you use the program more or less as recommended, how much time daily do you spend? I am especially interested in knowing about the Island level, which I will be using with a very capable (reading to learn, no longer learning to read) and serious second grader AND the Town level, which I wills be using with a high-school level reading fourth grade who thinks he hates to write.


I will be using this program for the first time this fall, and would appreciated any practical advice. I'm trying to schedule so the timing piece is much on my mind at the moment.


Thank you.

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I think you can make it as long or short as you want really. Our lessons have taken 10-20 minutes. I've scheduled in 20 minutes, but will bump it up to 30 if that's what it takes as we get more into the middle of the program.

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I read SI to my dds today while they were playing on a "riverboat" (made of beach towels and a lawn chair) in our backyard. They rowed with broomsticks while I read about Mud. We made up sentences about what they were doing with the riverboat using various 'sound' words as illustrated in the story we read.


We do/did GI casually. I can tell you that it was NEVER sitting at our school table. Rather, we were sitting together on a coach or on the lawn. Ten'ish minutes on the reading. Twenty'ish minutes on PI.


HTH! :)

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I read SI to my dds today while they were playing on a "riverboat" (made of beach towels and a lawn chair) in our backyard. They rowed with broomsticks while I read about Mud. We made up sentences about what they were doing with the riverboat using various 'sound' words as illustrated in the story we read.


We do/did GI casually. I can tell you that it was NEVER sitting at our school table. Rather, we were sitting together on a coach or on the lawn. Ten'ish minutes on the reading. Twenty'ish minutes on PI.


HTH! :)



Love this!


10-30 min at the most

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Assuming about 25-30 weeks of instruction, using all the books:


Island Level: 20 min 3x a week


Town Level: 30 min 4x a week (possibly a bit less if the child has already completed Island and/or is very strong in grammar and writing, or a very little bit more if they have had very little grammar and/or writing background)


I was/am not that structured, but I'd say that those are conservative time estimates for most kids. You can easily condense to 2x a week for a longer period if desired. You can also condense either program easily down to 25 weeks (even shorter for Island if desired), or stretch it out towards 40 weeks.


Note that the writing and poetry books offer a lot of flexibility in that they offer many writing project ideas to choose from. We do/did all the major ones, but did not do every idea from the lists of ideas, and did only minimal poetry *writing*. If you have time and interest, there is a great buffet offered of wonderful ideas for deepening the experience.

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