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My dream geography program....does it exist?

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I would like my 4th grader to focus on the world map this year. I'd like him to learn to draw the oceans, the continents and the countries within them, and the lines of longitude and latitude, the equator, and the tropics, etc.


Ftr, I know there is a lot more than this to geography. We have done/will do land forms, weather, peoples of the world type studies. However, I do think detailed mapping and study of the globe would really catch my guy's interest this year, and be fun and manageable for me as I add two new students (k and 2nd) to my roster.


Thank you.

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The threads on Bortins and Mapping the World by Heart are what started me thinking that this would be great. I do think the MWBH is too in-depth for a fourth grader--even a very academic one. Am I wrong? I'd love for him to do this, actually, but I wonder if we can take this on. It seems like at his age it might be a bit too teacher-intensive for a not quite core (yet) subject. Wht do you think.


I need to read the Bortins book.


Thank you all. This helps.

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Mapping the World with Art.


I'll second Mapping the World with Art. It's a fabulous, fabulous program. You can choose to skip or minimize the history portions for now (and go back through them at a later date, if you like) and really focus on the *drawing* lessons. A 4th grader with a reasonable attention span and a willingness to try should do fine with that part.


Mapping the World with Art is NOT the same as Mapping the World by Heart, which I didn't find useful to the teacher at all. (I'm told the newer edition *might* be more useable. The old one offered almost zero guidance.) It really required that each teacher/classroom reinvent the wheel.

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Yes. I remember now mapping with art is the program people raved about here. By heart was not so well-loved.


I've been on the mapping the world with art website, reading the samples and watching the clip. it looks like more than we can use, but more is better than less by a long shot.


still thinking...

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Has anyone tried Winter Promise for this? They have something interesting available, I believe.


I tried theirs. I had ... what is it... Draw Your World. And the main book about children around the world. And the maps (let's assume they're higher quality now -- I think I bought them the first year that program came out and they were awful) and stickers and some of the other materials. ... I liked the stickers a lot. ;) The rest of it... Not so impressed.

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