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I need your "get over this cold fast" tips

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My DD CANNOT be sick right now! She has to be healthy enough to go to gymnastics camp on Monday, so I need any and all tips and advice to get her healthy ASAP. When she went to bed (she's still asleep) her symptoms were fever, headache, stiff neck.

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I'm an alternative kind of person and love using Silver Shield from Natures Sunshine. If you have a local health store near by you can walk in & get it. It runs about $32 for 4oz of 28ppm...It's the best stuff! You would want to use 1 tbsp 3 times per day (it's what our health store recommended to kick it quickly). I used this at the dosage that I just stated & it took the swine flu away from my oldest daughter in 2 days....It is amazing stuff. I hope this helps!




  • Provides more powerful support to the immune recommended use system.
  • Uses only the finest particle-size colloids to ensure maximum bioavailability and efficiency.
  • Is completely non-toxic; no heavy metal contamination.






  • Provides more powerful support to the immune system.
  • Uses only the finest particle-size colloids to ensure maximum bioavalability and efficiency.
  • Is completely non-toxic; no heavy metal contamination.


Silver Shield with Aqua Sol Technology [ Immune ] provides 18 ppm of silver that stays suspended in purified, deionized water. Silver products have become popular alternatives to other products on the market, and you can trust NSP to provide the highest-quality, safest products available. Just 1 teaspoonful provides a full 90 mcg of pure silver without heavy metal contamination.

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sleep, as above.

Keep an eye on stiff neck, as above too.

I would drown her with red reasberry leaf and mint teas. Local health food store should have some in bullk...you can get a tea ball there probably too. Add honey and give her gallons of it......


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Lots and lots of water and some orange juice for the Vitamin C.


Elderberry extract - it can be purchased at some Rite Aid pharmacies under the brand name Sambucol. They make a liquid and a chewable for children. My kids like the chewable - think sour blueberry for flavor. It can also be purchased at GNC. However, I don't know what their children's formulation is.


Olive leaf oil extract and Oregano Oil extract mixed with coconut oil and rubbed onto the bottom of the feet where it is absorbed fairly quickly. If your dd can swallow small capsules, you may be able to purchase empty veggie or glycerin capsules at a health food store and fill them with the eye dropper. Only one or two drops of each substance as the stuff is strong on the digestive track.


Yogurt with active cultures and preferably no sugar or corn syrup as these are immune suppressors. You could also get chewable probiotic tablets.


Water, sleep, water, sleep, water, sleep.



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Thank you for all the suggestions. I ended up taking her to the doctor this morning after I called her gym center and found out strep is going around. Of course she was feeling great there. Her strep test came back negative and he couldn't find any obvious signs of infection. Her fever broke last night and hasn't returned today. She has developed another headache this afternoon. Can a migraine onset spike a fever?

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