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CLE LA.....do I need extra spelling?


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I'm planning on doing CLE language for my 5th grader and 1st. Do you you recommend a separate spelling or is CLE's spelling pretty good. If so, I was looking at "A reason for Spelling". I don't want to spend more than I need but I want to give my kids a good education.

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Are you using LTR for your 1st grader? You probably won't need to add in spelling.


How is your 5th grader doing with spelling? I didn't find it necessary to supplement at that level because DD was doing fine with spelling.


My suggestion would be to make sure that you choose a program that takes a totally different approach to the giving a list of words to memorize how to spell them and work-sheet activities that work around those words. Otherwise, it is over-kill unless you plan to drop CLE spelling altogether. CLE at 2nd grade teaches the rule and they work on words that correspond to that rule with a few other commonly used words (days of the week, months, holidays, etc.) added in. There was a purpose and pattern to each list and word and there was review for some words through out the grade.

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I started CLE spelling when my oldest started 7th grade last year. Prior to this, he had done SWR through list Z and a year of Sequential Spelling and he still couldn't spell his way out of a dictionary. I used to be against the "list a week" type spelling but this has really worked well for him. I have worked with him on how to study for a test and I hold him accountable to words I know he can spell.


I did the CLE spelling with my 1st grader 2 years ago and he did fine with that alone although, because I had done many years of SWR, I emphasized the rules and phonograms more. I thought the CLE LA was pretty full, I wouldn't add much to it.

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Thanks, I'm not doing LTR with my 1st grader. I'm doing PP with him and my K & pre. Maybe I'll give it a shot and if I don't think it's enough then I'll order something. I'm getting ready to put in my school order and wanted to do it all together.

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