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Yoga tape recommendations

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I'm dying. My hips are so tight, and my back catches every time I lean down and try to pick up my 1 year old. I haven't done yoga in a few months, since DH started back to work. I need to work out a schedule where I can go, but its hard with 4 kids to leave them home alone for an hour to go to the gym. So, I need to get started with a tape or something at home until I can figure out my schedule....


Does anyone have any recommendations (to rent from netflix or whatever) of GOOD yoga tapes? there are so many, everyone and their mother has made one, but that doesn't make it good. For instance, Jillian Michaels yoga didn't do it for me. I have the Budakon videos...

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Well, I love Denise Austin, and I have a ton of her workout dvd's. I have her Yoga Body Burn, which I like, because it has 3 workouts-a 20minute aeorobic type yoga workout, then it has a 10 minute Yoga legs, and a 10 minute yoga abs. I think youtube has a clip you can look at to see.


I also have an older one of hers that is more relaxed, stretching type yoga, but I don't know if you can still get it. Yoga Essentials, and it pretty much covers everything.


I've done other yoga dvd's, but some I find pretty hard to follow. I am a big Denise fan, because I think she's easy to follow, and good, but not too difficult. I know she does get on some people's nerves, though, because of her perkiness. I don't mind perky-probably because I am perky myself.:D

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Thanks, I have a few of her DVDs, I have one that I think is yoga based, and has 2 workouts, but the second one seems more like pilates to me.


I'm dying. My hips are so tight, and my back catches every time I lean down and try to pick up my 1 year old. I haven't done yoga in a few months, since DH started back to work. I need to work out a schedule where I can go, but its hard with 4 kids to leave them home alone for an hour to go to the gym. So, I need to get started with a tape or something at home until I can figure out my schedule....


Does anyone have any recommendations (to rent from netflix or whatever) of GOOD yoga tapes? there are so many, everyone and their mother has made one, but that doesn't make it good. For instance, Jillian Michaels yoga didn't do it for me. I have the Budakon videos...


I totally didn't mean that I would leave my kids home alone, btw, I meant leave them with someone else :lol:

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I have 2 by Shiva Rea, the one is Yoga Shakti, the other is a shorter one, with 20 minutes segments. I like the 1st one. It's yoga flow style and you can use the matrix to pick what you want to do.


I also recommend Yogatoday.com It's online, and they have 1 free class a week. This week it's a beginner class.

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I am a huge Rodney Yee fan:


Rodney Yee Yoga DVDs


I own Power Yoga: Strength

and AM/PM Yoga

and have used a few others of his. AM/PM is more for beginners and his Power Yoga's are more intermediate.


Shiva Rea used to have a TV show on FIT TV that I would use from time to time. She's likeable and easy to follow. Lately, I've been downloading podcasts on to my iphone from yogadownload. They are very good little 20 minute workouts that I can listen to on my ipod. Highly recommend them. And they are free (when you get them from the itunes store, at least)



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I like Sarah Ivanhoe (lots available and probably at the library too) and

Yoga: Gentle Vinyasa Flow with Zyrka Landwijt.


YogaZone also some free 20-30 min session on line-just google them.


Look for yogayak on youtube.com for free and she some short sessions you can do at home.

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